Sep 19, 2024  
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Eligibility

Good Academic Standing

To maintain good academic standing and to meet the requirements for graduation, a student must demonstrate acceptable performance in course work after being admitted to a graduate program. This requires a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 or higher in all graduate course work.

Furthermore, good academic standing requires satisfactory progress in the overall graduate program. The student’s advisor or graduate advisory committee may render judgments as to whether satisfactory progress is being made toward the degree, taking into account all aspects of academic performance and promise, not necessarily course work alone. Departments may recommend termination of a student’s graduate status at any time if the student is not making satisfactory progress toward the degree. Examples of unsatisfactory progress may include, but are not limited to, inadequate GPA, inadequate research and/or research skills, failure to obtain satisfactory grades in required courses for the program, or failing the candidacy, comprehensive, or final oral examination.

Academic Probation

Any student who, in their current program, has either (i) attempted 18 or fewer credit hours and received a semester GPA of less than 3.0 or (ii) attempted more than 18 credit hours and received less than a 3.0 cumulative GPA will be placed on academic probation.

  • A student on academic probation with 18 or fewer attempted credit hours will be required to earn a semester GPA of 3.0 or higher by the end of the next regular (non-summer) semester to return to good academic standing
  • A student on academic probation with more than 18 attempted hours will be required to improve his/her cumulative GPA to 3.0 or higher by the end of the next regular (non-summer) semester to return to good academic standing.
  • Students on academic probation may not enroll in more than 9 semester credit hours.


A student who is placed on probation after attempting 18 credit hours and who fails to improve his/her cumulative GPA in his/her current academic program to 3.0 or higher by the end of the probationary period, that is, by the end of the next regular (non-summer) semester, will be dismissed. Additionally, a doctoral student who receives a grade of “F” in a course will be dismissed from his/her current academic program.

Departments may also recommend dismissal of a student at any time if a student:

  • is conditionally admitted and fails to meet the conditions of his/her admission;
  • is not making satisfactory progress toward the degree, for example, inadequate progress on research projects, failure to obtain satisfactory grades in required courses, or failing the candidacy, comprehensive, or final oral examination;
  • receives an “F” grade in a required course;
  • fails to maintain continuous registration without an approved leave of absence;
  • fails to complete program requirements in the maximum allowed time for the degree; or
  • is guilty of ethical misconduct or violates the North Carolina A&T State University’s Student Handbook.

Readmission after Academic Dismissal

A student who is dismissed for academic reasons will be eligible to submit a new application for admission to a degree or certificate program after one academic year and may be admitted only upon the recommendation of the major department chair or graduate coordinator and with the approval of the Dean of the Graduate College.


An academically dismissed student may appeal the decision according to the process outlined in the Graduate Student Appeals policy.