Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Graduate Double Majors, Dual Degrees and Joint Degree Programs

Double Majors

A graduate student enrolled as a double major may earn two degrees at North Carolina A&T State University by enrolling concurrently in two separate but related programs of study, both at the master’s level. Note that a master’s degree student continuing on for a Ph.D. is not considered a double degree major.

Double degree programs must balance structural efficiency with individual program integrity. At least 18 credit hours must be unique to each program. Students in double degree programs will have to comply with the requirements of both degree programs as stated in the double degree agreement.

A student must apply to and be accepted by both programs before officially beginning the double degree program. In a practical sense, this means that a student should either be accepted by both programs at the same time or be accepted to the second program by the end of the second semester in the first degree program. Double degrees will not be awarded after the curricular requirements for both programs have already been met without initial application.

Double degree proposals must be approved by the proposing departments and schools/colleges. In addition to the sharing of courses, proposal materials should include: a description of the participating units/degrees, an overview of the existing academic course of studies, the rationale and demand for the new double major, guidelines for academic eligibility and meeting the School of Graduate Studies regulations, and any other supporting materials to assist with a thorough review of the request. A letter of support from the chair or director of each participating unit stating faculty support must also accompany the proposal.

Dual Degree Programs

Dual degree programs are those in which a student may enroll concurrently in two degree programs offered in two different academic units at two institutions, both at the master’s level.

At least 18 credit hours must be unique to each program. Students in dual degree programs will have to comply with the requirements of both degree programs as stated in the dual degree agreement.

A student must apply to and be accepted by both programs before officially beginning the dual degree program. In a practical sense, this means that a student should either be accepted by both programs at the same time or be accepted to the second program by the end of the second semester in the first program. Dual degrees will not be awarded after the curricular requirements for both programs have already been met without initial application.

Dual degree proposals must be approved by the proposing departments and schools/colleges and their respective institutions. Dual degree programs are also subject to approval by SACS. In addition to the sharing of courses, proposal materials should include: a description of the participating units/degrees, an overview of the existing academic course of studies, the rationale and demand for the new dual degree, the structure and resource support for the new dual degree, guidelines for academic eligibility and meeting the School of Graduate Studies regulations, and any other supporting materials to assist with a thorough review of the request. A letter of support from the chair or director of each participating unit stating faculty support must also accompany the proposal.

Joint Degree Programs

Joint degree programs are those from which a single degree is awarded by two or more institutions participating in a joint degree program. A joint degree will carry the name of each participating institution on a student’s diploma.

The development of a joint degree program must follow respective institutional processes for the approval of new degree programs at each participating institution before being submitted to the UNC Board of Governors for approval. Information regarding UNC System policies on joint degrees may be found at: Joint degree programs are also subject to approval by SACS.