Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Full Members:

Eligibility: Tenured or tenure-track faculty members at the academic rank of assistant professor or higher are eligible for full membership status. In addition, full graduate faculty will meet the criteria for appointment established by the academic college faculty and will be appointed to full membership through a process determined by the academic college.

Responsibilities: Full Members of the Graduate Faculty may participate in all aspects of the graduate program including teaching graduate level courses in their area of expertise, serving on thesis/dissertation committees, and chairing master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation committees. Additionally, only Full Members are eligible for election to the Graduate Council, to serve as a Graduate Coordinator, to represent the Graduate College on thesis and dissertation defenses, and to vote on issues presented to the Graduate Faculty pertaining to changes to the graduate program.

Associate Members

Eligibility: Tenured, tenure-track, and full-time non-tenure track faculty members and full-time EPA non-teaching employees are eligible for associate membership status. In addition, associate graduate faculty will meet the criteria for appointment established by the academic college faculty and will be appointed to associate membership through a process determined by the academic college.

Responsibilities: Associate Members of the Graduate Faculty may teach graduate courses, serve on thesis and dissertation committees, and co-chair master’s thesis and doctoral dissertation committees provided a full graduate faculty member is the other co-chair.

Affiliate Members

Eligibility: Tenured and tenure-track, full-time or part-time non-tenure track faculty members, full-time or part time EPA non-teaching employees, visiting, retired, clinical, extension, practicum, research, teaching, and contractual employees are eligible for affiliate membership status. In addition, affiliate graduate faculty will meet the criteria for appointment established by the academic college faculty and will be appointed to teaching membership through a process determined by the academic college.

Responsibilities: Affiliate Members of the Graduate Faculty may teach graduate courses and may serve as the third member on a thesis committee and fourth member on dissertation committee.

Review and Continuation of Graduate Faculty

Each school/college will establish a process for continuation; change from Associate to Full member; or removal of membership on the Graduate Faculty. This process will be based on a variety of factors, including scholarly productivity, record of graduate teaching or mentorship, and/or other factors as defined by the school/college. The period of review will be defined by the school/college, but must occur at least once every five years.

A faculty member will automatically lose graduate faculty status at any time he/she is deemed deficient under post-tenure review.