Sep 29, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Make-Up of Required Course Work

The administration, faculty and staff recognize that there are circumstances and events which require students to miss classes and any required course work which may be performed or due on the day of the absence. Also, they recognize that required course work is needed to give each student an adequate performance evaluation. Therefore, whenever reasonable (and more specifically described below), students should be allowed to make up required work.

The following definitions will apply with respect to this policy:

  1. Required course work - All work which will be used in the determination of final grades, e.g. examinations, announced quizzes, required papers and essays, required assignments.
  2. Instructor - Person responsible for the course and providing instruction and evaluation.
  3. Permissible reasons for requesting make up of required work - Sickness; death of relatives (immediate family); participation in approved University related activities; acting in the capacity of a representative of the University (band, choir, sports related travel, etc.); and extraordinary circumstances (court appearance, family emergency, etc.). NOTE: Other reasons for requesting make up of required course work are not acceptable.
  4. Documentation - Verification of sickness requires a signed statement of a physician or a duly authorized staff member of the Sebastian Health Center. Verification of death requires a signed statement from the Minister or Funeral Director. Verification of participation in University related activities requires a signed statement from the appropriate University official. Verification of other reasonable circumstances; for example, court appearance, family emergency, etc. requires a signed statement from an appropriate official (e.g., Court Official, parent or guardian, etc.).

The policy regarding make-up of required course work is as follows:

  1. A student may petition an instructor to make up required course work whenever the student has a permissible reason for requesting make up of required course work.
  2. A student will be required to present documentation which certifies absence constituting permissible reason.
  3. Whenever possible, a student should consult with the instructor prior to an absence which will involve the failure to do required course work. Arrangements for make-up should be discussed and agreed upon at this time.
  4. A student must petition for make-up of required course work on the first day that he or she returns to class.
  5. If permission is granted to make up required course work, the instructor and the student should agree on an acceptable date for completion of missed required course work.
  6. Failure to comply with item 4 may result in the denial to make up required course work.

Instructors should schedule make up work at a time that is convenient to both the instructor and the student.

Student Religious Observance

The General Assembly of North Carolina enacted G.S. 116-11(3a), a law mandating the establishment of excused absences for religious observance by students.

  1. The University allows up to two (2) excused absences per academic term for religious observances required by the faith of a student.
  2. Instructors have the authority to specify, by posting on their course syllabi, the requirements that students must follow in requesting an excused absence for religious observances. These requirements may include, but are not limited to, providing written notice to the instructor, the amount of lead time required prior to the religious observance, the nature of the religious observance and confirmation of the student’s participation in writing by an official of the religious organization. All requests for absences for religious observances and the supporting documentation must be maintained by the student’s academic college/school.
  3. When appropriate notice is provided by a student, the student must be granted up to two (2) excused absences per academic term under this policy and must be allowed to satisfy missed assignments, tests/exams, or other course work disseminated during the period of absence, including requirements to complete anticipated tests/exams or assignments in advance of the originally scheduled date. Beyond the terms and limits of this policy, instructors maintain authority to establish and enforce the attendance policy in their respective courses. The requirement for students to make such requests for excused absences applies only to days when the University is holding class