The Graduate College, in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Waste Management Institute, under the Leadership of the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, College of Engineering, College of Science & Technology, College of Health and Human Sciences, and College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, manages the Interdisciplinary Environmental Post-Baccalaureate Certificate Program (IECP).
Interdisciplinary Environmental Sciences Certificate (IESC):
Director & Coordinator: Godfrey A, Uzochukwu, PhD Email: Phone: 336-285-4866
Admission Requirements:
Earned BS Degree and Application for Admission through Graduate College
To train students with in-depth knowledge to develop innovative and creative solutions to improve
and sustain the environment.
1. Environmental Engineering Students will learn the application and understanding of technical skills needed to solve infrastructure issues and knowledge of mathematical modeling for systems thinking.
2. Environmental Sciences Students will be exposed to applications and understanding of environmental regulations, risk assessment, environmental impacts, social and economic impact on humans, and knowledge of pollutant measurements and interpretations.
3. Environmental Justice Knowledge of social justice dynamics and awareness of the policies (local, state, federal) and public policy that impact environmental decision-making, economic activity, and the environment, the history of environmental justice, and ethical considerations of environmental decision-making.
4. Environmental Health and Safety Knowledge of health and safety challenges in the workplace, home, and public spaces, chemical, physical, and biological hazards and their controls, toxicological impacts of exposure to hazards, and environmental regulations.