Feb 15, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog



North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is an equal opportunity institution committed to the equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate against applicants based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age or disability. Unless otherwise specified, admission to all undergraduate curricula is under the jurisdiction of the Director of Undergraduate Admissions.

Department of Enrollment Management

The Department of Enrollment Management is dedicated in its commitment to provide quality support services to prospective and current students to ensure a seamless recruitment, enrollment, and retention and graduation process at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. The Department of Enrollment Management encompasses the Offices of Undergraduate Admissions, Student Financial Aid and Scholarships, New Student Programs, Transfer Articulation, and Registrar.


Office of Undergraduate Admissions

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions upholds the University’s high standard to recruit, admit, and enroll domestic and international first-time college bound freshmen and transfer students, who have an outstanding array of academic credentials and extracurricular endeavors; very diverse socioeconomic, geographic, athletic, religious, cultural, racial, ethnic, and international backgrounds; and wide-ranging interests, achievements, experiences, talents, and beliefs. It is the University’s experience and judgment that this combination of students will foster a vibrant educational atmosphere and intellectual climate that provides the best educational experience for all students.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University admits students at the beginning of the fall and spring terms. All individuals who desire to enroll as either a freshman or transfer student are encouraged to contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Webb Hall, 1601 East Market Street, North Carolina 27411 to obtain information about our admissions procedures and minimum admissions requirements. All interested persons are encouraged to visit our web site at: https://www.ncat.edu/admissions/undergraduate/index.php or call us at (800) 443-8964.

The fall early action (scholarship consideration) domestic freshmen application for admissions deadline is November 1. The fall regular domestic freshmen application for admissions deadline is June 1. The domestic freshman application for admissions deadline is December 15 for the spring semester. The fall early action (scholarship consideration) domestic transfer application for admissions deadline is May 15. The fall regular domestic transfer application for admissions deadline is June 15. The domestic transfer application for admissions deadline is December 15 for the spring semester. International applicants are required to apply no later than June 1 for the fall semester and October 1 for the spring semester. Applications for admission and a non-refundable application fee of $60.00 can be submitted electronically at: https://aggieadmissions.ncat.edu/undergraduateadmissions/default.asp or to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Supporting Documentation

Applicants must submit the following supporting documentation along with their application for admissions:

  1. Official high school transcript sent from the institution directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
  2. Official transcripts, if applicable, from all previously attended college(s) sent from the institution directly to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions
  3. The submission of test scores is optional for new freshmen applicants. If sent, official results of the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT) must be sent electronically from the aforementioned testing agency. The University’s CEEB code for the SAT report is 5003 and the code for the ACT report is 3060.
  4. The submission of a final or complete transcript from the last school attended is the responsibility of the student. Thus, the University reserves the right to withdraw any offer of admission if the applicant fails to satisfy all requirements prior to the beginning of the first semester of enrollment. Students who have not fulfilled minimum admission requirements will be withdrawn from the University.

Notice of Admission and Confirmation

The University practices “rolling admission”. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions renders an admissions decision once the applicant file is complete and will timely notify the applicant in writing. Applicants who are granted admittance must notify the University by timely completion of their Intent to Enroll by May 1. The Intent to Enroll can be completed online via the admissions portal account at https://aggieadmissions.ncat.edu/undergraduateadmissions/default.asp or via phone at (800) 443-8964. Failure to comply with this phase of the admissions procedure may adversely affect the newly admitted student’s capability to register for classes. Persons who are not granted admittance to the University are timely notified in writing.

Prior to initial registration, all new freshmen must submit a final official high school transcript that indicates date of graduation, and all transfer students must submit all final official college transcript(s) to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

All new freshman and transfer students must comply with the State of North Carolina immunization requirements to enroll at North Carolina A&T State University. Immunization requirements are set by the State of North Carolina. Your state or country of origin may have different requirements. North Carolina law requires the University to suspend students who have not satisfied immunization requirements within 30 days from the beginning of classes for that semester. To obtain more information about the mandatory immunization requirement visit https://www.ncat.edu/campus-life/student-affairs/departments/health-services/students.php.

Admissions Criteria

Freshman Applicant

An applicant for admission is considered individually in accordance with the following criteria:

  1. Evidence of academic achievement and promise with considerable facility in the use of the English language.
  2. Complete record from an accredited secondary or preparatory school with graduation based on UNC minimum undergraduate course requirements. NOTE: Students may be exempt from these tests if they are at least twenty-one years (21) old at the point of matriculation to the University.
  3. Satisfactory scores on the Scholastic Assessment Test or the American College Test if submitted by the applicant. The submission of test scores is optional for new freshmen applicants. NOTE: Students may be exempt from these tests if they are at least twenty-one (21) years old at the point of matriculation to the University.
  4. Satisfactory grade point average. NOTE: All students must satisfy the University of North Carolina (UNC) minimum admissions requirements to be eligible for admissions.

The aforementioned and subsequent admissions criteria are applied flexibly to assure that individuals with unusual qualifications are not rejected in the admissions process.

Out of State Capacity: The University of North Carolina System has a policy that each constituent institution limit the proportion of out-of-state students in the entering freshmen class to no more than 35% and North Carolina A&T State University adheres to this policy. The College of Engineering is exempt from this policy. Therefore, academic achievement and SAT/ACT scores must be competitive.

Minimum Undergraduate Course Requirements

For admittance to all undergraduate programs, all freshman applicants under the age of twenty-one (21) must satisfy the following minimum high school course requirements for admission:

  1. English - 4 units
  2. Natural Sciences - 3 units: Biological science, Physical science, Science with a laboratory.
  3. Social Sciences - 2 units: United States History is required as one of the social sciences.
  4. Foreign Language - 2 units of the same.
  5. Mathematics - 4 units: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and one of the following Advanced Mathematics courses:
    • Advanced Functions and Modeling
    • Discrete Mathematics
    • Pre-Calculus
    • Integrated Mathematics IV
    • AP Statistics
    • Essential for College Math
    • AP Calculus A/B
    • AP Calculus B/C

The following courses can be completed during the student’s first semester to fulfill the fourth Math requirement but only when taken in concert with the associated lab course. Both the classroom and lab courses must be presented together to be accepted.

  • MAT 141 Mathematical Concepts
  • MAT 142 Mathematical Concepts II
  • MAT 143 Quantitive Literacy
  • MAT 152 Statistics Methods I
  • MAT 167 Discrete Mathematics
  • MAT 171 Pre-Calculus Algebra
  • MAT 172 Pre-Calculus Trigonometry
  • MAT 252 Statistics II
  • MAT 263 Brief Calculus
  • MAT 271 Calculus I
  • MAT 272 Calculus II
  • MAT 273 Calculus III
  • MAT 280 Linear Algebra
  • MAT 285 Differential Equations

NOTE: For freshman applicants that attend a non-public high school in North Carolina, the fourth math unit must be comparable to one of the courses listed above and must be approved by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

NOTE: For out-of-state freshman applicants, the fourth math unit must be comparable to one of the courses listed above and must be approved by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

North Carolina Cooperative Innovative High School Applicants

Student graduating from a North Carolina Cooperative Innovative High School (CIHS) with an associate’s degree will have the option to be evaluated using Minimum Admissions Requirements (MAR) or not using MAR. North Carolina A&T State University reserves the right to re-evaluate or rescind admissions to students who choose not to be evaluated using MAR and do not obtain an associate’s degree prior to enrollment.

Transfer Applicant

The University accepts qualified students by transfer from other accredited colleges. Applications for admission may be considered if the transfer applicant:

  1. is in good standing with the last or current post-secondary institution of attendance and is eligible to return to that institution.
  2. has a cumulative grade point average of at least a 2.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale from the transferring post-secondary institution.

Applications from transfer students cannot be considered until all credentials are received from the high school and all other post-secondary institutions previously attended. In order to be exempt from all new freshman requirements, transfer applicants who have attended a regionally accredited post-secondary institution must have earned twenty-four (24) transferable semester hours. Transfer for programs in the College of Engineering requires a 2.5 cumulative GPA and completion of Calculus I.

Transfer student applicants who fall under the following categories may be exempt from submitting high school transcripts and/or standardized test scores:

  1. Applicants who are at least twenty-one years (21) old at the point of matriculation to the University.
  2. Applicants who have earned the associate of arts (AA) or the associate of science (AS) degree from a North Carolina community college.
  3. Applicants who have earned a degree under an articulation agreement.
  4. Applicants who have earned twenty-four (24) transferable semester hours from a regionally accredited institution.

Transfer courses with a grade of “C” or higher are accepted as transferable course work. Accepted courses are recorded to the student’s academic record, but grade points are not calculated on the transferred courses. The university does not accept transfer credit from challenge examinations or for course work where grades of P/F have been given. The maximum number of transferable credits is ninety (90) semester hours from a four-year institution and sixty-four (64) semester hours from a two-year institution. Students who have attended both a two-year and four-year institution can transfer in a maximum of ninety (90) semester hours.

The University of North Carolina System and the North Carolina Community College System have designed a Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) to facilitate the transfer of courses to most four-year colleges and universities in North Carolina. To be eligible for transfer credit under the CAA, the transfer student applicant must satisfactory complete the courses with a grade of “C” or better. The CAA enables NC community college graduates of two-year Associate in Arts (AA) and Associate in Science (AS) degree programs who are admitted to constituent institutions of the university of NC to transfer with junior status. To obtain more information about the CAA visit: http://www.ncat.edu/admissions/transfer-students/transfer-credits/index.html. NC Community College transfer students who graduate with an Associate of Applied Science (AAS) who satisfactory complete the degree program with a grade of “C” or better in all courses that are designated for college transfer will receive a course-by-course evaluation. Articulation of AAS degree programs will be handled on a bilateral articulation agreement rather than on a statewide basis. Transfer applicants who are not covered by the above stated policy are referred in the next section on special students.

For specific requirements, freshmen and transfer applicants should refer to the respective schools/colleges section and to departmental listings. However, the University reserves the right to change admission standards prior to the semester the student plans to enroll.

International Applicant

Undergraduate students who have attended an institution outside of the United States must have their international transcript(s) evaluated by one of the credential evaluation services. A list of the approved credential evaluation services can be found on the admissions webpage. (https://www.ncat.edu/admissions/undergraduate/international-admissions.php). The course-by-course evaluation should include high school and/ college coursework. There is a fee required for the course-by-course evaluation, which the student will be required to pay to the service provider selected.

In addition to the general freshman or transfer admissions requirements, international applicants are required to provide proof of English language proficiency. English language proficiency can be proven via one of the following options:

  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL);
  • International English Language Testing System (ILETS);
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-1);
  • Duolingo English Test
  • ELS Language Center
  • Pearson (PTE) Test
  • Cambridge English Test
  • English Composition I and II at a U.S. regionally accredited institution; or
  • Attend school in a country with English as the official language and language of instruction.

Special Students

Special students are those who are not candidates for degree at the present time. This category includes (1) visiting students and (2) persons who have not enrolled for one academic year and are ineligible for admission as a transfer student.

The University welcomes into this admission status, enrollment of persons who are pursuing degrees elsewhere, who possess a baccalaureate degree, or who desire to earn prerequisites for graduate work. Such students may register upon the presentation of a signed statement from the appropriate official of his/her institution, or certifying agency, specifically listing and approving the courses to be taken. Such enrollment does not constitute regular admission to the University.

To apply for this category of admission, the applicant must submit the application for admissions, the $55 application fee and provide supporting documentation as appropriate. Transcripts from all colleges and universities attended are required if the applicant plans to enter degree-seeking status at a later date.

Visiting students must submit a transient course study form from the home institution that has been approved by the department chairperson, school or college dean and the University Registrar. All others must provide evidence of readiness to pursue the courses desired and a statement of objective and purpose related to the request for special student admission. Such persons may register for no more than 12 semester hours per academic term and may remain in this category until they have attempted a total of 24 semester hours.

Persons who are ineligible for admission as a transfer student must complete one semester of full-time study or its equivalent at the University to be eligible to petition the Office of Undergraduate Admissions to be admitted to the University as a regular degree seeking candidate on the basis of his/her academic accomplishments. All communications must be submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Admissions.

Other Policies and Procedures

Submittal of Credentials

All applicants must submit their official credentials to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions before the beginning of the semester in which they plan to enroll. The credentials may include official high school transcripts, college transcript(s) and other appropriate documents to complete the applicant’s application for admissions file. Official transcripts should be submitted sealed via postal mail or an electronic transcript service.

Campus Visits

The Office of Undergraduate Admissions hosts campus tours for prospective students on select Mondays through Fridays and on select Saturdays. For additional information about campus tours, including how to make a reservation, please visit https://www.ncat.edu/visit/index.php or call (800) 443-8964.

Permission to Take Courses At Another Institution

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University undergraduate degree-seeking students who are in good standing (cumulative grade point average of a “C” or higher) may complete a permission form to take courses at another institution. To access the form, please click the following link Permission Form. Follow all directions before submitting the document to the Office of Transfer Articulation. In order to receive transfer credit for coursework completed at another institution, a minimum grade of “C” is required on all approved undergraduate coursework and the institution has to be regionally accredited. Only the credit hours will transfer to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and not the grade(s) earned. The University does not accept credit from proficiency examinations or grades of pass or fail (P/F). If you have any additional questions and/or concerns, the Office of Transfer Articulation is located in 106 Dowdy Building.

Regulations for Veterans and Children of Deceased and Disabled Veterans

Veterans and children of deceased and disabled veterans must meet regular admission requirements. All persons who have completed a minimum of three years active duty service will be considered transfer students in the admissions process. Preliminary application for any educational benefits due them should be made to the nearest regional office of the Veterans Administration well in advance of the desired admission date in order that the necessary information and documents may be obtained. Veterans who have a minimum of one year of active service may receive credit for Health Education, Physical Education, and military science electives. A copy of the DD-214 must be submitted along with your application for admission to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Applicants should submit relevant military transcripts for evaluation.

Residence Status for Tuition Purposes

In compliance with state law effective February 20, 2017, the University of North Carolina system now requires undergraduate students to request a residency classification from the new Residency Determination Service (RDS). RDS is the entity responsible for all new classifications of residency in North Carolina.

The specific requirements for establishing residency for tuition purposes and for eligibility for State financial aid are prescribed by state law. A North Carolina resident for tuition purposes (and for State financial aid consideration) is a person, or a dependent person (dependent according to IRS tax code - not the FAFSA definition of dependency), whose parent or legal guardian has established and maintained legal residence in North Carolina for at least 12 months.

Residence in North Carolina must be legitimate and be a permanent situation rather than just for the purpose of maintaining a residence prior to enrollment at an institution of higher education.

Under North Carolina law, to qualify for in-state residency, you must show that you:

  • Have established your legal residence (domicile) in North Carolina, and
  • Have maintained that domicile for at least twelve (12) consecutive months before the beginning of the term, and
  • Have a residentiary presence in the state, and
  • Intend to make North Carolina your permanent home indefinitely (rather than being in North Carolina solely to attend college)

Persons not meeting the 12-month legal residence requirement may be classified as North Carolina residents for tuition purposes only if they fall within one of the limited “exception” categories authorized by the North Carolina Legislature. All others are ineligible for classification as a North Carolina “resident for tuition purposes” and will be charged out-of-state tuition and not be given consideration for State financial aid. The residency process should take place no later than the 30th day of the term for which they wish to be considered. To learn more about residency and complete a determination go to www.NCresidency.org.

Office of New Student Programs


The Office of New Student Programs strives to assist new students and their families in making a successful academic and social transition to the university setting by providing accurate, relevant, and timely information that focuses on the resources the university offers as well as programming that impacts student success.

In order to achieve our primary goal of assisting first-year students in making a successful transition, the Office of New Student Programs focuses specifically on college student development while incorporating best practices and research findings in the fields of orientation, transition, retention, and academic success.

For more information on the Office of New Student Programs, please visit Murphy Hall, Suite 102 or call (336) 256-2212.

Core Values

Student Success | Dedicated to the success of each individual
Building Community | Encouraging responsibility and creating a sense of belonging
Collaboration | Strengthening our work by building internal and external relationships
Leadership | Developing the leader within each of us
Commitment to Excellence | Pursuing our work with professionalism, innovation, scholarship, and integrity

Operational Units

  1. New Student Orientation
    1. Spring and Summer
  2. Transitional Programs
    1. Welcome Week
    2. First Year Experience
  3. Aggie Family Programs
    1. Aggie Family Weekend
    2. Parent /Guest Orientation
  4. NSP Student Leaders Program
    1. Aggie Success Leaders
    2. Tau Sigma National Honors Society (for Transfer Students)