Oct 26, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Life

Division of Student Affairs


The Division of Student Affairs shoulders the major responsibility for Student Life and Student Services. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs is the Chief Student Affairs Officer. The Division of Student Affairs is organized to provide services that complement the academic program and contribute to the social, emotional, spiritual, environmental, occupational, intellectual, and physical development of students. Furthermore, programs and services provided within the Division support the community of learners and are broadly categorized into four major areas: (1) Academic Support, (2) Personal Growth and Diversity, (3) Professional Development, and (4) Health & Wellness. Specifically, the Division of Student Affairs plays a vital role in the personal growth, diversity, wellness, academic achievement, and the intellectual and professional development of each individual student by:

  • Fostering a campus culture that encourages each student to articulate his or her own goals for success;
  • Enhancing the learning environment and expanding learning opportunities for all students inside and outside of the classroom;
  • Promoting a campus climate to value, accept and learn from our rich diversity by expanding opportunities for student to acquire local, regional and international experiences; and
  • Developing leaders who believe in and lead others toward supporting civility, mutual respect and diversity in our society through expanding workplaces that include global experiences, advance technology and physical resources to develop students’ full potential.

The Division of Student Affairs is a student-centered partner in the learning community of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. “Building on our comparative educational advantages and our unique civil rights heritage,” we provide interdisciplinary services that complement the academic colleges within the University. Education is enhanced both inside and outside of the classroom, through quality support services and programs that advance student intellectual, cognitive, social, personal, and physical competencies. The Division contributes to academic and personal success, encourages independent civic responsibility, provides skill sets that can be applied globally, and promotes the welfare of all students. Student Affairs helps to connect students to the University and to their future, building alliances that foster recruitment, retention and loyalty beyond graduation.

Student Affairs professionals assist students in areas of counseling, leadership development, student housing, student activities, student governance and community service. Such activities assist students in finding “a sense of belonging, responsibility, and achievement.” The Division carries out its purpose through providing leadership development opportunities for student leaders, the Student Government Association, the Student University Advisory Board, the Council of Presidents, the Residence Hall Association, the Pan-Hellenic Counsel, service organizations and other non-Greek organizations.

Consistent with the overall goals of the University, the Division of Student Affairs include the following array of programs and activities within the following units: (1) Counseling Services, (2) Health Services, (3) Housing & Residence Life, (4) Student Center, (5) Leadership and Civic Engagement, (6) Student Activities and Campus Involvement (7) Student Conduct, (8) Veteran and Military Affairs, (9) Intercultural Engagement, (10) TRIO: Student Support Services, (11) TRIO: Upward Bound Program, (12) TRIO: Educational Talent Search, (13) University Event Center, (14) Administration, (15) BLUE & GOLD Marching Band, (16) Intramural Sports, (17) LGBTA Resource Center, and (18) the Graduate Student Advisory Council. Some of the specific services are described as follows:

Office of Student Affairs Assessment and Professional Staff Development

The Office of Student Affairs Assessments is deemed responsible for the cultivation of a positive culture of assessment for the campus community at North Carolina A&T State University. Other responsibilities of this office includes: consultations, instrument development, data analysis, and training or workshops for professional faculty and staff (e.g., Qualtrics, Taskstream, Assessment 101, etc.). The data collected in the Office of Student Affairs Assessment is used to improve student affair practices and increase student and employment engagement in co-curricular settings. For more information, please contact Dr. Kellie Dixon, Assessment Coordinator for the Division of Student Affairs at (336) 285-2727 or via email kmdixon@ncat.edu.

Counseling Services


Counseling Services offers a variety of services to help all currently enrolled North Carolina A&T State University students address challenges and difficulties they may face during college. Our services are designed to help students understand themselves better, create and maintain healthy relationships, improve academic performance and make satisfying career and life choices.

We are dedicated to helping our students by providing brief counseling from a wide spectrum of services. Those include individual and group counseling, outreach and consultation, training and supervision, teaching, psychological testing, recovery, and research. If more intensive or specialized care is needed, we will assist with making referrals to healthcare providers in the community. All counseling is voluntary, free of charge, and confidential.

The following services are available through the Counseling Services:

  1. Personal counseling in individual and group sessions
  2. Academic skills training and career/vocational assessments
  3. Outreach counseling programs and activities, Life Skills, Resilience, and Personal Growth Programs
  4. Collegiate Recovery Programs and Sexual Violence Prevention
  5. Graduate student internship training for psychology, social work, and counseling students
  6. Individual test administration and interpretation covering the areas of intelligence, aptitude, personality, interest, and achievement, as well as other areas required by special needs
  7. College Level Examination Program (CLEP) for course credit by examination and Psychological Assessments for Learning Disabilities (LD) and Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  8. Consultations for students withdrawing from the University for psychological reasons
  9. Referrals (University and Community Resources)

Health Services


The Director of Health Services manages the Student Health Center. Medical services are available to all students in the student health center if they pay a student health fee as part of their general university fee.

The basic components of the Health Service Program are as follows:

  1. Medical Services: The Clinicians are in attendance in the Health Center Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. For medical emergencies after 7:00 p.m., students may call 911 for assistance.
  2. Laboratory Services: A Certified Medical Technologist is on duty daily, Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. to perform various laboratory tests as ordered by the clinician(s) to diagnose a variety of medical conditions.
  3. Medical Records: The Medical Records Director is responsible for maintaining a physically secure and confidential file of all student health records in the Health Center. Additionally, the North Carolina State Immunization Law stipulates required vaccines must be on file in the medical records department of the Health Center 30 days after registration.
  4. Pharmacy Services: A registered pharmacist is available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. to dispense medication and provide patient education on all prescriptions filled.
  5. Health Education Services: Prevention education is available through the health educators on a variety of health conditions. The Health Educators are available Monday - Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. to assist students with any health issues or concerns. Many programs and seminars are conducted during the evening hours by the Health Educators when requested.
  6. Student Health Insurance: All major insurance plans are accepted. Student Blue is available to all students sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina.
  7. Psychiatric/ Mental Health Services: Provided by board certified healthcare providers. Services available by virtual or in person visits.
  8. Dental Services: Coming Fall 2021
  9. Alternate Lifestyle Services: Massage is offered as alternative options to the patients.

The Health Center provides up-to-date and emerging information on health related issues and concerns on a continuing basis for the University community.

*Provider on call: Monday - Friday from 7:01 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. | Weekends: Saturday - Sunday from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Drug and Alcohol Education Policy

N.C. A&T strives to provide an educational environment that enhances and supports the intellectual process. Academic communities, including students, faculty and staff, have the collective responsibility to ensure that the environment is conducive to healthy, intellectual growth. Illegal use of harmful and addictive chemical substances poses a threat to the educational environment. Each member of the university family is reminded that, in addition to being subject to university regulations and sanctions regarding illegal drugs and chemicals, they are also subject to state and national laws. This policy has been developed in accordance with the UNC Policy on Illegal Drugs, adopted by the board of governors on January 15, 1988. It established the framework for programs designed to educate the campus community on the harmful effects of illegal substances and assist persons in their efforts to become rehabilitated. It also provided guidance for punishing violators. The link to the Drug and Alcohol Education Policy can be found here: https://hub.ncat.edu/_files/administrative/drug-alc.pdf.

University policies concerning the possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages do not contravene federal, state, or municipal law regarding their purchase. A summary of certain sections of the North Carolina State statute and local ordinances of alcoholic use is included below:

North Carolina Law

North Carolina Alcoholic Beverage Control laws make it unlawful for any person under twenty-one years of age to purchase, possess, or consume any alcoholic beverage. Below are excerpts from applicable statutes.

  1. It is unlawful for any person to aid or abet an underage person in the purchase, attempted purchase, and/or possession of alcoholic beverages. General Statute 18B-302(c).
  2. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly sell or give alcoholic beverages to an underage person. General Statute 18- B-302 (a) (1).
  3. It is unlawful for any underage person to falsify a driver’s license or other identification document in order to obtain alcoholic beverages. General Status 18-B-302(e).
  4. It is unlawful for any person to permit use of his/her driver’s license or any other identification document by an underage person to purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages. General Statute 18B-302(f).
  5. It is unlawful for any person to consume any alcoholic beverage in or on any public street, right-of-way, sidewalk, alley, or property located inside or outside the Greensboro corporate limits. Greensboro Code Sec. 4-13.

University Guidelines on Alcohol

All usages of alcoholic beverages will conform to existing state, local and University laws and policies.

  1. There will be no consumption of alcoholic beverages in a motor vehicle while on University property or streets.
  2. There will be no public display of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is restricted to students’ rooms in residence halls only for those students of legal age.
  4. Anyone who drinks alcoholic beverages will be held accountable for his/her behavior. Irresponsible drinking will not be accepted as an excuse for irresponsible behavior. Such behavior will result in conduct action and/or notification to parent or guardian.

Zero Tolerance for Drugs Policy

Any student who is found in violation, as a first offense, with the possession of marijuana (or any other illegal drug or chemical) on campus may immediately lose campus housing privileges.

The following minimum penalties to be imposed by the university shall be:

Trafficking Illegal Drugs

For the illegal manufacture, sale, delivery, or possession, with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedule I, N.C.G.S. § 90-89 or Schedule II, N.C.G.S. § 90-90 (including, but not limited to, heroin, mescaline, lysergic acid, diethylamide, opium, cocaine, amphetamine, methaqualine), any student shall be expelled.

For a first offense involving the illegal manufacture, sale or delivery, or possession with intent to manufacture, sell or deliver, of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through VI, N. C. G. S. § § 90-91 through 90-94 (including, but not limited to marijuana, Phenobarbital, codeine) the minimum penalty may be suspension from enrollment or from employment for a period of at least one semester or its equivalent. For a second offense, any student shall be expelled.

Illegal Possession of Drugs

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedule I, N. C. G. S. § 90-89, or Schedule II, N. C. G. S. § 90-90, the minimum penalty shall be suspension from enrollment for a period of at least one semester or its equivalent.

For a first offense involving the illegal possession of any controlled substance identified in Schedules III through VI, N. C. G. S. §§ 90-91 through 90-94, the minimum penalty shall be probation for a period to be determined on a case-by-case basis. A person on probation must agree to participate in a drug education and counseling program, consent to regular drug testing, and accept such other conditions and restrictions, including a program of community service, as the chancellor, or the chancellor’s designee deems appropriate. Refusal or failure to abide by the terms of probation shall result in suspension from enrollment.

For second or other subsequent offenses involving illegal possession of controlled substances, progressively more severe penalties shall be imposed, including ultimately expulsion of students. A second offense will result in immediate suspension from the University.

Felony possession of marijuana (or any illegal drug or chemical) will result in immediate suspension from the University.

Pursuant to the 1974 FERPA law, parents or guardians/sponsors may be sent written notification, without the student’s consent’ regarding students under the age of 18 who are in violation of campus and/or state alcohol and drug policies.

Educational and Rehabilitation Programs

The University shall establish and maintain a program of education designed to help all members of the University community avoid involvement with illegal drugs. This program shall emphasize these subjects:

  1. The incompatibility of the use or sale of illegal drugs with the goals of the University.
  2. The legal consequences of involvement with illegal drugs.
  3. The medical implications of the use of illegal drugs.
  4. The ways in which illegal drugs jeopardize an individual’s present accomplishments and future opportunities.

The University shall provide information about drug counseling and rehabilitative services (campus-based or community-based) available to students and employees.

Persons who voluntarily avail themselves of these university services or programs are assured that applicable professional standards of confidentiality will be observed.

Drug Use and Ineligibility for Federal Financial Aid

Any student convicted of possession or sale of a controlled substance under federal or state law may lose eligibility for Student Financial Aid assistance.

Be advised that a student who is convicted of an offense under any federal or state law involving the possession or sale of a controlled substance, while enrolled in an institution of higher education and receiving any federal financial aid (e.g., grant, loan or work assistance) will lose his/her eligibility for such assistance according to the following schedule:

If convicted of an offense involving the possession of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:

First Offense = 1 year
Second Offense = 2 years
Third Offense = Indefinite

If convicted of an offense involving the sale of a controlled substance, the ineligibility period is:

First Offense = 2 years
Second Offense = Indefinite

Housing and Residence Life


Housing and Residence Life (HRL) provides services and programs to compliment the academic environment by offering a comfortable, affordable, and inclusive community to promote a holistic experience for residential students. HRL desires to stimulate and challenge residents to fulfill their educational goals and ambitions through quality education, social, and cultural programs that promote community within residence halls. Our goal is to build a foundation of service, scholarship, and leadership as both undergraduate and graduate students of the university embracing their campus living experience. HRL provides student employment, living and learning community/theme house opportunities that allow them to build professional skills, embrace diversity, and develop lifelong relationships.

Student Center


The Student Center functions as the “Community Center” for the University and its constituency by providing a variety of services and activities. The Student Center is vital for the recruitment, retention and the matriculation of our students. The Student Center is a state of the art facility with 150,000 square feet of space that includes an array of amenities, conveniences, services, and programming capabilities that are sure to appease the needs of the students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. This facility is the home to the Office of Student Activities and Campus Involvement, Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement, LGBTA Resource Center, University Events Center, Office of Intercultural Engagement, Aggie OneCard, Barnes and Nobles Bookstore, Marketplace Dining, Recreation and Gaming area, Deese Ballroom and more. The Center employs about forty-five students each semester, which are recruited and supervised by full-time staff.

A primary goal of the Student Center is to promote an involved community through its various services, facilities, and co-curriculum programs. The fitness and recreational activities of the Campus Recreation Center (CRC) have a unique focus on the health and wellness of the campus community. The CRC has new and up-to-date cardio and weight training equipment with an aerobics/dance studio. For scheduling and event logistics, the University Event Center (UEC) serves as the office through which all on-campus major events, activities, and reservation are scheduled and implemented. The UEC services student organizations, faculty, staff, administrators, as well as, the outside community events including lectures, receptions, performances, press conferences, concerts, conferences, banquets, and athletic events. They also manage and supervise Harrison Auditorium.

Leadership and Civic Engagement


The purpose of the Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement (OLCE) is to provide transformative opportunities, experiences, and services that educate, prepare, empower, and support students in their development and practice of leadership, servitude, and active citizenship. OLCE fosters an environment at North Carolina A&T that provides for the overall growth and development of students. We offer a variety of services and programs that cultivate the development of NCAT students into effective leaders on and off-campus. We believe that leadership development is The Process by which individuals develop their capacity to influence the action of others and inspire change through positive stimuli. The Process merges concepts of the 5 Practices of Exemplary Leadership and the Social Change Model of Leadership Development. OLCE believes that every student can be a catalyst for positive change and social influence. Aside from leadership development, OLCE offers opportunities and resources for civic engagement, political and voter engagement, community service, service-learning, etc.
We emphasize social awareness, service and civic responsibility as critical competencies of a successful NC A&T graduate and active citizen. Through community connections, meaningful exchanges/ engagement, and self-explorations; students are empowered as stimulants for positive change, social impact, and constructive influence in their local, national and/or global community.

OLCE aims to elevate the student college experience by helping students to:

Navigate the process of self-exploration (interest, strengths, talents, passion, etc.)

  • Explore and unleash their inner potential
  • Identify and enhance their leadership skillsets
  • Effectively navigate systems and identify beneficial resources
  • Strategically challenge processes and their own fears
  • Learn the importance of service and citizenship
  • Become actively engaged as change agents on campus as well as in their community
  • Prepare for a smooth transition into the world and tomorrow’s workforce

Whether it is through the L.E.A.D.S. program, MLK Day of Service, Transcending Leaders Certificate, Alternative Spring Break, Party at the Poll, NSLS, Gospel Choir, Student Elections Committee, Civic Ambassadors/ Fellows, the Aggie Source Food Pantry & Professional Clothes Rack. or any of our many other programs, students are encouraged to get involved with OLCE. We hope that every student will stop by the office located in the Student Center, Suite 348 to learn more about what we do, and allow us the opportunity to “Develop Your Capacity to Change the World.”

Leadership and Engagement

As a compliment to the established mission of the Division of Student Affairs, this unit provides leadership and professional development. A variety of capacity building and leadership development programs are available to all students. iLEAD, a self-directed leadership program, in which students earn designations completing a series of leadership development activities. Live*Learn*Lead, a series of workshops that incorporates diverse topics aligned with building relationships and strengthening a student’s leadership and professional development. The National Society of Leadership and Success, building leaders who make a better world. A Greek letter organization in which you are invited to join and must complete a series of leadership initiatives to be inducted.

The primary goals of the unit include:

  • Coordinating and facilitating workshops, seminars, programs and conferences geared towards personal and professional growth, human relations, and civility.
  • Utilizing the entire Aggie community, to develop our 5 C’s of Leadership: Character, Congruence, Commitment, Collaboration, and Citizenship, in the student body.
  • The Office of Leadership and Civic Engagement fosters an environment where students share ideas freely and work collaboratively with faculty, staff and other students; while promoting them as ambassadors to the global community.

Student Activities and Campus Involvement


The Office of Student Activities & Campus Involvement (OSA) serves as a catalyst for co-curricular learning and experiences outside of the classroom which support the emergence of a holistic, well rounded student as they prepare for life after graduation. This is accomplished through the various entities encompassed within the OSA umbrella and the university sponsored groups housed within our office. They include but are not limited to the Student Government Association (SGA, Royal Court and the Senate), Campus Programming via the Student University Activities Board (SUAB), and the approximate 150 Student Clubs and Organizations which are managed by the Council of Presidents (COP) who serves to assist, advocate, govern and be a liaison keeping organizational life on campus meaningful. Also included within this group are national fraternities and sororities who are managed by the Joint Greek Council (JGC). OSA is also responsible for the Honda Campus All-stars Quiz Bowl Team and Special/Major Events such as Homecoming and AGGIEFEST.

We accomplish our mission through programming efforts, initiatives, and the provision of resources associated with our four (4) core functions. These functions and outcomes are, but are not limited to:

  • Designing and supporting programs (cultural, educational, intellectual, recreational, and social) that cultivate student expression and foster interactions among the diverse members of the University community.
  • Providing experiences and opportunities for student leadership, particularly through the Student Government Association; to develop them both ethically and morally through social responsibility in order to effectively lead and advocate for the entire student body.
  • Providing students and advisors with ongoing training that will develop and enhance their organizational management and communication skills, personal accountability, leadership skills, and member recruitment capabilities.
  • Providing experiences and opportunities for students involved in student organizations to learn and articulate their strengths and weakness through self-reflection, professional development, and social development.

One can find a listing of all active student organizations, their missions, objectives, contact information, and advisors on 1891 Connect once the semester begins. For questions, please contact or visit the Office of Student Activities on the top floor of the Student Center (Suite 332). We can be reached via email at osa@ncat.edu and by phone via (336) 285-4930.

Student Conduct

Students enrolled at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University are expected to conduct themselves properly at all times. They are expected to observe standards of behavior and integrity that will reflect favorably upon themselves, their families, and the University. They are further expected to abide by the laws of the city, state, and nation, and by all rules and regulations of the University.

Accordingly, any student who demonstrates an unwillingness to obey the rules and regulations that are prescribed or that may be prescribed to govern the student body may be placed on probation, suspended or expelled from the institution.


Sanctions of expulsion and suspension affect the student’s academic status at the University. In order that students under suspension not contravene the terms of penalty, the Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Graduate School, Registrar, Residence Life and University Police (as well as other University Officials) will be notified in writing. During the suspension period, records remain flagged until students are readmitted to the university. Transcripts are held until students have complied with University-imposed sanctions until the period ends. In addition, a suspension or expulsion precludes matriculation at any UNC constituent institution. No credit earned at another institution during the suspension period shall be transferred to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. A student under expulsion or suspension is subject to arrests for trespassing if found on University property. Students suspended or expelled from the University, for disciplinary reasons, are not eligible for refunds and forfeit any funds previously paid.

Students who lose campus-housing privileges for disciplinary reasons, and have concerns about the financial ramifications, should contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life for guidelines and shall be governed by them.

Failure of Accused to Appear at a Hearing

Scheduled University Judicial Hearings will be held in absentia if a student or organization fails to present himself/herself or an organization representative. The Administrative Hearing Body will convene and make a decision based on the evidence at the hearing.

Should sanctions result from a student’s failure to present himself/herself or an organization’s failure to present for adjudication of a charge, the Offices of Admissions, Financial Aid, Graduate School, Registrar, Residence Life and University Police (as well as other University Officials) will be notified in writing and the student’s and/or organization’s records will be flagged. In addition, transcripts will not be released to persons outside the University until the student answers the charges.

Any one of the following sanctions or combinations may be imposed upon students and/or organizations:

  • Expulsion permanently severs the relationship of a student or organization with the University. With recommendation of a hearing panel, it will be imposed by the Chancellor, and can only be rescinded by the Board of Trustees. This penalty will likely prevent a student’s admission to any other institution of higher education;
  • Indefinite suspension severs the relationship of a student or organization with the University with no date established for the student or organization to return. A date at which time the student or organization may request reinstatement can be established or may be contingent on a student or organization fulfilling one or more stipulations (e.g. resolution of criminal matters pending in the courts, psychological evaluation);
  • Interim separation calls for the immediate removal of a student or organization from the University when there is reasonable cause to believe that the alleged misconduct is of such a serious nature that his/her or its continued presence at the University is potentially dangerous to the health and safety of the University community, its property or educational mission. (In cases of violations of the Student Conduct Regulations, to invoke an interim separation, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, or his/her designee, conducts a preliminary investigation and hearing with the student or organization, if possible. In cases of academic dishonesty, the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, or his/her designee, conducts an investigation. At the appropriate time, the student is informed of the charges and given an opportunity to explain the circumstances);
  • Suspension severs the relationship of a student or organization with the university for a finite period, the terminal date of which coincides with the official ending of an academic semester or summer session;
  • Disciplinary Probation is a period of close scrutiny of a student or organization by the university during which his/her conduct is under review. Disciplinary probation is imposed for a specified period of time, the terminal date of which coincides with the official ending of an academic semester or summer session. Failure to meet the requirement of the probation or further infractions of university policy may result in more severe sanctions, including suspension or expulsion from the university. Individuals on disciplinary probation are not eligible to hold office or membership in any student group or organization; and may not be eligible for certain employment positions or participation in other campus programs.
  • Warning is an official reprimand, which by formal written communication, gives official notice to a student or organization that any subsequent offense against the Student Conduct Regulations will likely result in more serious consequences. In cases involving violations of the Student Conduct Regulations, a copy of the letter is contained in the student’s file in the Division of Student Affairs or, in the case of academic dishonesty, with the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and will be available as evidence of relevant past behavior to hearing panels;
  • In addition to the above, any one or a combination of the following may be recommended by a student conduct hearing board and/or imposed by the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs or the Dean of Students or, in cases of academic dishonesty, the Provost/Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs:
    1. requirement of participation in community service
    2. restitution, where applicable
    3. loss of campus housing
    4. official notice that any other violation of the Student Conduct Regulations will result in suspension
    5. prohibition from participation in organized groups or activities
    6. substance abuse recovery program offered by counseling services
    7. Judicial Educator online modules

The sanctions listed above are examples only and do not limit the discretion of conduct officers. Students placed on suspension or expulsion are placed in the UNC statewide database, per state requirements.
Sanctions against an organization for hazing shall be those penalties described in the N.C. A&T Student Handbook.

Students who are suspended must apply for re-admission. After proper review of submission of all items specified in the sanction letter, the student will be notified when to contact the Office of Admissions about the process if he/she desires to return to N.C. A&T. Re-admission rules, regulations and decisions are governed by the Office of Admissions; neither the Division of Student Affairs nor the Office of the Dean of Students re-admits students.

Please note: During the suspension period, records will remain flagged and transcripts will be held until students have complied with University imposed sanctions and until the suspension period is over. In addition, suspensions and expulsions are uploaded to the UNC database. A suspension or expulsion precludes matriculation at any UNC constituent institution.

Computer Use Policy Statement

Students of North Carolina A&T State University are authorized to use computer networks, equipment and related resources pursuant to administrative regulations established and promulgated by the Chancellor or his/her designee. All students are expected to follow the computer use policy and related University rules, regulations and procedures for computer usage and work produced on computing equipment, systems, and networks of the university. Students may access these technologies for personal use on a restricted basis.

Please refer to the Computing and Networking Usage Policy and Lab Usage Policy at the www.ncat.edu/~cit/policies/ for permissible use. Any violation of these policies is considered “misconduct” subject to the University’s disciplinary procedures. Sanctions for violation of this policy may include revocation or suspension of computer access privileges in addition to any other sanction permitted under student conduct and academic policies. Violations of state or federal laws may also be referred to the appropriate authorities for criminal or civil action. Students are encouraged to contact the Client Services Department or the Aggie Helpdesk for information regarding any computer usage matters.

Veteran and Military Affairs


North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is an approved site for veterans and veteran dependents wishing to attend and receive educational benefits.

Admission to the University is done through normal admissions procedures. The issuing of a Certificate of Eligibility by the Veterans Administration does not automatically assure a student of admission to the University.
The Office of Veteran and Military Affairs located at The Aggie Student V.E.T.S Center at the Oaks is established to assist veterans and veteran dependents with enrollment and adjustment to college life. Upon enrolling at the University, the veteran or eligible person should report to the Office of Veteran and Military Affairs so that verification of enrollment can be sent to the Veterans Administration. If a Certificate of Eligibility has not been issued, the veterans or the eligible person should see the University Certifying Official.

The Office also provides counseling and tutorial services as necessary.

Intercultural Engagement


The Office of Intercultural Engagement (OIE) is an integral part of the University. Located in the Student Center, Suite 367, the Office provides programs and services that support the academic mission of the University by enhancing the educational, personal, cultural, social development, and intellectual growth of our diverse student population. The OIE exists to promote understanding, respect and the appreciation of all diverse communities on the campus of North Carolina A&T State University. The Office of Intercultural Engagement offers leadership and cultural opportunities, diversity training, social and service activities, often in cooperation with other campus organizations. Numerous programs and services are available in the OIE to address the academic, cultural and personal needs of our diverse population to ensure that each student in the N.C. A&T community receives the best education possible. Supporting the Office of Intercultural Engagement is one way in which the University has dedicated itself to building bridges of knowledge, cooperation and understanding between persons of all diverse backgrounds (i.e.; racial, ethnic, cultural, religious, sexual orientation, political, social, etc.).

The OIE also supports the function of the LGBTA Resource Center, the Meditation and Reflection Room, and Religious and Spiritual Life programs and services.

The OIE supports the individual expression of all multicultural and special interest groups while promoting collective experiences within N.C. A&T campus community. The OIE and all associated functions maintain an open-door policy to encourage individuals and organizations to seek us out for support.

The OIE Unit is open from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. daily and is staffed by the Director, an Office Manager, Associate Director, Graduate Assistant and the OIE Student Ambassadors. For more information, please call 336-334-7800 or email: oie@ncat.edu.

TRIO Student Support Services


The purpose of the TRIO Student Support Services Program (SSSP) at North Carolina A&T State University is to provide opportunities for academic development, assist students with basic college requirements, and to motivate students toward the successful completion of their postsecondary education. The academic support services are to increase the retention and graduation rates of the active participants who are enrolled in the University. The program identifies, selects and serves two hundred (206) first-generation, low-income and/or disabled college students annually who are enrolled or accepted for enrollment in the University, and provides them with the support necessary to persist successfully in a program of study leading to a post-secondary degree. The TRIO Student Support Services program was established at North Carolina A&T State University in 1997. For more information please call (336) 334-7982 or visit 212 Murphy Hall, triosss@ncat.edu.

The TRIO SSS has been designed to provide optimum benefits for its participants. In order to achieve this goal, TRIO SSS personnel coordinates with faculty as well as various academic and student services departments within the University to create a supportive academic climate and the provision of the following services:

  1. Informational Workshop Sessions, i.e. Study Skills, Financial Literacy and Time Management
  2. Tutorial Services and Academic Coaching, Secondary Academic Advising
  3. Career Exploration, Scholarship Application Assistance,
  4. Summer Bridge program and Residential Living Community
  5. Cultural and Educational Enrichment Activities

TRIO Upward Bound


Upward Bound is an early intervention pre-college program that helps students prepare for higher education. Upward Bound brings high school students, from targeted Guilford County schools, to college campuses after school, on the weekends, and during the summer to receive instruction in mathematics, laboratory sciences, composition, literature, and foreign languages. Tutoring, counseling, mentoring, cultural enrichment, and work-study programs are additional components to the Upward Bound Program. The TRIO Upward Bound Program was established at North Carolina A&T State University in 1966. For more information please call (336) 334-7659 or visit 1020 East Wendover Avenue Suite 205.

TRIO Educational Talent Search


The Educational Talent Search program identifies and assists individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds who have the potential to succeed in higher education. The program provides academic, career, and financial counseling to its Middle and High School participants from Guilford County School District, and encourages them to graduate from high school and continue on to and complete their postsecondary education. The program publicizes the availability of financial aid and assists participants with the postsecondary application process. Educational Talent Search also encourages persons who have not completed education programs at the secondary or postsecondary level to enter or re-enter and complete postsecondary education. The goal of Educational Talent Search is to increase the number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds who complete high school and enroll in and complete their postsecondary education. The TRIO Educational Talent Search program was established at North Carolina A&T State University in 2016. For more information please call (336) 285-2503 or visit McNeil Hall (Aggie Village 6), Suite 625.

University Event Center


The University Event Center (UEC) schedules and executes all on-campus activities. UEC services students, faculty, staff, administrators, as well as, the outside community in assisting with guest lectures, receptions, performances, conferences, concerts, fairs, athletic events and other scheduled activities.

The purpose of the UEC is to assist in the selection of venues, securing logistical support, audio/visual services, event conversions, floor-plan design, and marketing. UEC will operate to support any event that has been appropriately scheduled and coordinated with their office to ensure a well-executed event in accordance with policies and procedures.

For more information on the University Event Center or to schedule an event, please call (336) 285-2580 or email uec@ncat.edu.