Mar 28, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Information

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

Historical Statement

Established in 1891, under the Second Morrill Act of 1890, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is a land-grant, historically black university categorized by The Carnegie Classification of Institutions of Higher Education as a doctoral university with high research activity. The Second Morrill Act expanded the nation’s system of land-grant universities to include a historically Black college or university (HBCU) in those states where segregation denied minorities access to the land-grant institutions established by the First Morrill Act (1862).

Over the past 131 years, North Carolina A&T has maintained a rich tradition in academics, research, discovery and outreach, to become one of the nation’s most highly respected institutions of higher education. The university aims to develop and preserve intellectual capital through interdisciplinary learning, discovery and engagement, and is committed to fulfilling its fundamental purposes through exemplary undergraduate and graduate instruction, scholarly and creative research, and effective public service and engagement. The current vision is to be recognized as a preeminent land-grant university and the institution of choice for high achieving students.

With an enrollment of 13,322 students in the fall of 2021, A&T is the largest HBCU in the nation. A&T awards baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees through the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences; College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences; Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics; College of Education; College of Engineering; John R. and Kathy R. Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences; College of Science and Technology; The Graduate College; and the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering.

A&T has adapted its curriculum and teaching methodologies to ensure that students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and other disciplines receive an education that allows them to be competitive in a changing world. Students across the disciplines are afforded opportunities to work and study with renowned scholars, researchers and other professionals who serve on the faculty and are held in high esteem across the nation and abroad. A&T is consistently ranked as a top public HBCU. It is among the top producers of African American engineers, agriculture graduates and certified public accountants in the nation, and is one of the top producers of African Americans with baccalaureate degrees in journalism/mass communication, and liberal arts.

A&T has advanced in the area of research and, for more than a decade, has consistently ranked among The University of North Carolina System’s three most productive research universities. The strength and potential of the research enterprise at A&T is demonstrated by the university’s ability to sustain major programs in nanotechnology, biotechnology, computational science and engineering, energy and environment, information sciences and technology, leadership and community development, logistics and transportation systems, and public health. The university is home to 19 centers and institutes that focus on faculty research expertise as well as areas of emerging significance.

Upon graduating, students join the university’s numerous alumni of record who hold or have held positions of leadership in industries and communities around the world. Some of A&T’s nationally acclaimed alumni include Henry E. Frye ‘53, former N.C. Supreme Court Chief Justice; Edolphus Towns Jr. ‘56, retired U.S. Congressman; Clara Adams-Ender ‘61, author and retired Army brigadier general; Alvin A. “Al” Attles Jr. ‘60, former NBA player, coach and general manager; Elvin Bethea ‘68, NFL Hall of Famer; Ezell Blair Jr./Jibreel Khazan ‘63, the late Franklin E. McCain Sr. ‘63, Joseph A. McNeil ‘63 and the late David Richmond ‘10 (degree awarded posthumously), members of the Greensboro Four/A&T Four; Joe L. Dudley Sr. ‘62, Dudley Products founder; Rev. Jesse L. Jackson Sr. ‘63, civil rights activist and former presidential candidate; Alma S. Adams ‘68, U.S. Congresswoman; the late Dr. Ronald E. McNair ‘71, NASA astronaut; Michael S. Regan ‘98, 16th Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Oscar-winning producer Terrence J ‘04; and Olympic gold medalist Trevor Stewart ‘21.

Twelve presidents/chancellors have served the institution since its founding: Dr. John O. Crosby (1892-96), Dr. James B. Dudley (1896-1925), Dr. Ferdinand D. Bluford (1925-1955), Dr. Warmoth T. Gibbs (1956-1960), Dr. Samuel DeWitt Proctor (1960-64), Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy (1964-1980), Dr. Cleon Thompson Jr. (interim, 1980-81), Dr. Edward B. Fort (1981-1999), Dr. James C. Renick (1999-2006), Dr. Lloyd V. Hackley (interim, 2006-07), Dr. Stanley Battle (2007-09) and Dr. Harold L. Martin Sr. (2009-present).

Mission of the University

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University advances knowledge through scholarly exchange and transforms society with exceptional teaching, learning, discovery and community engagement. An 1890 land-grant doctoral research institution with a distinction in STEM and commitment to excellence in all disciplines, North Carolina A&T creates innovative solutions that address the challenges and economic needs of North Carolina, the nation and the world.

Policy Governing Programs and Course Offerings

All provisions, regulations, degree programs, course listings, etc., in effect when this catalogue went to press are subject to revision by the appropriate governing bodies of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Such changes will not affect the graduation requirements of students who enroll under the provisions of the catalogue.

Nondiscrimination Policy and Integration Statement

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is committed to equality of educational opportunity and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, or disability. Moreover, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is open to people of all races and actively seeks to promote racial integration by recruiting and enrolling a larger number of white students.

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University supports the protections available to members of its community under all applicable Federal and state laws, including Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act, the Equal Pay and Age Discrimination Acts, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and Executive Order 11246.

The University of North Carolina

In North Carolina, all the public educational institutions that grant baccalaureate degrees are part of the University of North Carolina. North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is one of the 16 constituent institutions of the multi-campus state university.

The University of North Carolina, chartered by the N.C. General Assembly in 1789, was the first public university in the United States to open its doors and the only one to graduate students in the eighteenth century. The first class was admitted in Chapel Hill in 1795. For the next 136 years, the only campus of the University of North Carolina was at Chapel Hill.

In 1877, the NC General Assembly began sponsoring additional institutions of higher education, diverse in origin and purpose. Five were historically black institutions, and another was founded to educate American Indians. Several were created to prepare teachers for the public schools. Others had a technological emphasis. One is a training school for performing artists.

In 1931, the NC General Assembly redefined the University of North Carolina to include three state-supported institutions: the campus at Chapel Hill (now the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), North Carolina State College (now North Carolina State University at Raleigh), and Woman’s College (now the University of North Carolina at Greensboro). The new multi-campus University operated with one board of trustees and one president. By 1969, three additional campuses had joined the University through legislative action: the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

In 1971, the General Assembly passed legislation bringing into the University of North Carolina the state’s ten remaining public senior institutions, each of which had until then been legally separate: Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, North Carolina Central University, the North Carolina School of the Arts (now the University of North Carolina School of the Arts), Pembroke State University (now the University of North Carolina at Pembroke), Western Carolina University, and Winston-Salem State University. This action created the current 16-campus University. In 1985, the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, a residential high school for gifted students, was declared an affiliated school of the University; and in July 2007 became a constituent institution of the University by legislative action.

The UNC Board of Governors is the policy-making body legally charged with “the general determination, control, supervision, management, and governance of all affairs of the constituent institutions.” It elects the president, who administers the University. The 32 voting members of the Board of Governors are elected by the General Assembly for four-year terms. Former board chairmen and board members who are former governors of North Carolina may continue to serve for limited periods as non-voting members emeriti. The president of the UNC Association of Student Governments, or that student’s designee, is also a non-voting member.

Each of the constituent institutions is headed by a chancellor, who is chosen by the Board of Governors on the president’s nomination and is responsible to the president. Each institution has a board of trustees consisting of eight members elected by the Board of Governors, four appointed by the governor, and the president of the student body, who serves ex-officio. (The UNC School of the Arts has two additional ex officio members; and the NC School of Science and Mathematics has a 27-member board as required by law.) Each board of trustees holds extensive powers over academic and other operations of its institution on delegation from the Board of Governors.

Colleges of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University includes the following colleges: the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, the Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, The Graduate College, the John R. and Kathy R. Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences, the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, the Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, and the College of Science and Technology.

Accreditation and Institutional Memberships

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University.

A listing of programs and their accrediting agencies follows:

Applied Engineering Technology - Engineering Technology Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Business and Accounting programs - AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business,
Certified Family Life Education - National Council on Family Relations,
Chemistry - American Chemical Society Certification Program
Child Development, Early Education and Family Studies - Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Computer Science - Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Construct Construction Management - American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), and Association of Technology, Management (ATMAE), and Applied Engineering, and Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Educator Preparation Programs - Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation, and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
Electronics Technology - Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering, and the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Engineering: Architectural, Bio (Biomedical), Biological, Chemical, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Industrial and Systems, and Mechanical Engineering programs - Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Environmental Safety and Health - Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) and Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Family and Consumer Sciences - American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences,
Family Financial Planning - Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards,
Food Science - Institute of Food Technologists Higher Education Review Board,
Geomatics - Applied and Natural Science Accreditation Commission of ABET,
Human Development and Services - Council on Accreditation for Counseling and Related Educational Programs, and Council on Rehabilitation Education
Human Lactation Pathway 2 Certificate Program - Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP),
Instructional Technology - National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Accreditation
Journalism and Mass Communication - Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (ACEJMC),
Landscape Architecture - Landscape Architecture Accreditation Board,
Media Program - Association of Educational Communications and Technology
Mental Health Counseling (Clinical) - Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs,
Mental Health Counseling (Rehabilitation) - Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs,
Music - National Association of Schools of Music
Rehabilitation Counseling and Counseling Education - Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs,
School Counseling - Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs,
School of Nursing - Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN), North Carolina Board of Nursing (NCBON)
Social Work - Council on Social Work Education
Theater Arts Program in Acting and Theatre Technology - National Association of Schools of Theater

Below is a listing of professional organizations of which the University is a member:

Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET)
Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communications (ACEJMC),
Advancing Minorities’ Interests in Engineering (AMIE)
American Association of Colleges of Nursing
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences
American Association of University Women (graduates are eligible for membership)
American Chemical Society
American College Public Relations Association
American Council for Construction Education
American Council on Education
American Educational Studies Association
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Historical Association
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering, Academic Council
American Library Association
American Personnel and Guidance Association
American Public Welfare Association
American Society for Engineering Education
American Society of Landscape Architects
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Association for the Study of African American Life and History
Association of Educational Communications and Technology
Associated Schools of Construction
Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business International
Association of American Colleges
Association of College Unions International
Association of Collegiate Deans and Registrars
Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture
Association of Public and Land Grant Universities
Association of Schools of Allied Health
Black Theatre Network
Board on Human Sciences
Certified Financial Planners - Board of Standards
Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs
Conference of Southern Graduate Schools
Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation
Council on Accreditation for Counseling and Related Educational Programs
Council of Graduate Schools
Council of Historically Black Graduate Schools
Council on International Education Exchange
Council on Rehabilitation Education
Council on Social Work Education
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Institute of Food Technologists
Institute of Industrial Engineers
Kennedy Center American Theatre Festival Region IV
National Association of Business Teacher Education
National Association of College and University Business Officers
National Association of College and University Food Service
National Association of Schools of Music
National Association of Schools of Theatre
National Association of Student Personnel Administrators
National Commission on Accrediting
National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science
National GEM Consortium (GEM)
National Council for Family Relations
National Institutional Teacher Placement Association
National League for Nursing National Retail Federation
National Society of Black Engineers
North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture
North Carolina Association for Colleges and Teacher Educators
North Carolina Association of Colleges and Universities
North Carolina Board of Nursing
North Carolina Criminal Justice Association
North Carolina Library Association
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
North Carolina Technology Association
North Carolina Theatre Conference
SAE International
Society of Women Engineers
Southeastern Library Association
Southeastern Theatre Conference
Southern Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Colleges
Southern Regional Education Board Council on Collegiate Education for Nursing
Southern Universities Research Association
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
United States Institute of Theatre Technology
University of North Carolina Exchange Program
University of North Carolina Graduate Council

Office of International Affairs

The Office of International Affairs works closely across divisions, departments and programs to ensure accurate and timely responses for information and assistance related to international affairs, education abroad, global experiences, and international travel. The Office works with the Office of the Provost regarding international travel. Charged with supporting internationalization strategies, international partnerships, faculty research, global experiences and managed growth for education abroad, the Office serves international students, research scholars, and exchange students with the issuance of Certificates I-20 and DS-2019 as required. The Office of International Affairs also manages agreements with overseas institutions and works with faculty to develop new international programs advancing the university’s global engagement goals. The Office also supports the development of programs and activities designed to promote international student success in academics and research, as well as the development of skills necessary for social and cultural adjustment to N.C. A&T and the Greensboro community. Services also includes guidance with international admissions, non-immigrant visa requirements, and orientation sessions for both international students and scholars. The Office provides global awareness activities through various cultural and educational programs during the year to create campus-wide awareness and promote a greater international presence on campus. The Office of International Affairs supports inclusion and demonstrates cultural engagement which leads to a rich, productive culturally inclusive community. The Office of International Affairs is located in room 213 of the Academic Classroom Building, Greensboro, NC 27411, (336) 334-7104, and reports to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.

Honors Program

The University Honors Program offers highly talented and motivated students a four-year, student-centered experience of academic enhancement, cultural enrichment, leadership training, and professional development that drives them to reach their full potential. Every aspect of the University Honors Program provides special opportunities for qualified students to grow intellectually through contact with a community of Honors students and supportive Honors faculty and staff. Students that graduate from the program will be intellectually and socially engaged individuals well-positioned to find success in their future endeavors.

No matter what a student plans to do in the future, those who participate in the University Honors Program will find that it gives them a competitive edge and prepares them for success in the nation’s best graduate schools and in their future careers. Through Honors, students can get the best education that NC A&T State University has to offer.

Admission and Eligibility for the Honors Program

Entering freshmen are invited to join the Honors Program if they have earned a cumulative weighted high school GPA of 3.75 and SAT scores totaling 1230 or above or a 26 or greater on the ACT. Students applying for admission to the Honors Program are also required to submit the online application which includes an essay and their resume with extra-curricular activities and leadership development.

Students already enrolled at NC A&T State University may join Honors if they have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and have completed at least 15 credit hours of classes. To remain in the University Honors Program, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and complete additional extra-curricular activities.

Program Description

Members of the University Honors Program receive numerous benefits as rewards for taking on the challenges of an Honors education. Honors students are eligible to be members of the University Honors Living Learning Community (LLC), and live in Joseph McNeil Hall, the all-Honors residence hall. Our LLC helps Honors provide a community of student scholars with a place where it is easy to make friends and work in study groups. Our LLC, the largest on campus, is known for the strong sense of support that students and related programming give to its members. Our students often choose to remain for all four years.

Honors students register before all other students, allowing Honors students more flexibility in their class schedules. The University Honors Program also sponsors trips to local cultural events and travel to conferences at little or no cost to students. Recent short-term international study tours have included Ghana, Japan, France, Italy, Spain, and Costa Rica. These study-tours have enabled students to better understand and appreciate cultural differences within global communities. Honors also sponsors leadership development workshops to help members develop skills they will need after graduation.

Academic Program Requirements

Incoming freshmen who join the University Honors Program are required to take a minimum of 7 semester hours of Honors credit during the first year. In order to graduate from the University Honors Program, students must complete 25 hours of Honors coursework. Twelve of the total 24 hours must be taken as Honors courses and not satisfied by contracts. Students have multiple options for completing the Honors curriculum which include courses, seminar, contracts and experiential learning.

Students who complete the Honors course of study will receive notification on their college transcripts. Students must earn a minimum grade of “B” in any course taken for Honors credit for it to count towards program requirements.

For more information, visit the Honors webpage ( or contact the Honors Program Office, 110 Academic Classroom Building, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, North Carolina 27411. The Director can be reached by phone at (336) 285-2030.

Academic Degree Programs

Degree Program. A program of study with a concentration (or major) in some specified discipline that leads to a degree in that discipline specialty, or in some designated subdivision of the specialty at a particular level of instruction.

All four year degree programs at the University require a minimum of 120 semester, excluding deficiency courses and remedial work for the bachelor’s degree. Semester hour requirements beyond 120 must be approved by the Board of Governors.

Students who complete one or more of the courses of study offered by the University will be awarded the degree indicated.

College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences
Program Title Concentrations
Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Agribusiness and Food Industry Management)
Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Environmental Studies)
Agricultural and Environmental Systems (Sustainable Land and Food Systems)
Agricultural Education (Agricultural Professional Service)
Agricultural Education (Secondary Education)
Animal Science  
Animal Science (Animal Industry)
Biological Engineering (Natural Resources and Bio Processing)
Child Development and Family Studies (Child Development and Family Relations)
Child Development and Family Studies (Early Education and Family Studies, B-K)
Family and Consumer Sciences (Consumer Sciences)
Family and Consumer Sciences (Fashion Merchandising and Design)
Food and Nutritional Sciences (Human Nutrition)
Food and Nutritional Sciences (Food Science)
Laboratory Animal Science  
Landscape Architecture  
College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Program Title Concentrations
Criminal Justice  
Criminal Justice (Forensic Science-Crime Scene Investigation)
English (Professional English)
English (African-American Literature)
English (Creative Writing)
English (Secondary Education)
English (Technical Writing)
History (Secondary Education)
Journalism and Mass Communication (Mass Media Production)
Journalism and Mass Communication (Multimedia Journalism)
Journalism and Mass Communication (Public Relations)
Liberal Studies (African-American Studies)
Liberal Studies (Applied Cultural Thought)
Liberal Studies (Pre-Law)
Political Science  
Music (General)
Music (Performance)
Music (Secondary Education)
Professional Theatre (Acting)
Professional Theatre (Theatre Technology)
Visual Arts, Design  
Visual Arts, Design (Secondary Education)
Visual Arts, Design (Visual Media Design)
Willie A. Deese College of Business and Economics
Program Title Concentrations
Business Analytics  
Business Information Technology  
Economics (Business)
Economics (Law)
Management (Business Administration)
Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
Management (International Management)
Management (Management Information Systems)
Marketing (Sales)
Supply Chain Management  
College of Education
Program Title Concentrations
Elementary Education  
Elementary Education/Special Education Dual Licensure  
College of Engineering
Program Title  
Architectural Engineering  
Biological Engineering  
Chemical Engineering  
Civil Engineering  
Computer Engineering  
Computer Science  
Electrical Engineering  
Industrial and Systems Engineering  
Mechanical Engineering  
John R. and Kathy R. Hairston College of Health and Human Sciences
Program Title Concentrations
Health Services Management  
Kinesiology Exercise Science
Kinesiology Recreation Sport Management
Nursing Traditional Option
Nursing Accelerated BSN Option
Nursing Regionally Increasing Baccalaureate Nursing (RIBN) Option
Nursing RN-BSN Completion Option
Social Work  
Speech Speech Communication Studies
Speech Speech Language Pathology & Audiology
Sport Science and Fitness Management New students are no longer being accepted in this major. Students with an interest in this degree are encouraged to declare Kinesiology as their major and choose either the Exercise Science or the Recreation Sport Management concentration.
College of Science and Technology
Program Title Concentrations
Applied Engineering Technology  
Atmospheric Sciences and Meteorology  
Automotive Engineering Technology  
Biology (Secondary Education)
Chemistry (Secondary Education)
Computer Graphics Technology (User Experience)
Computer Graphics Technology (Technical Design)
Construction Management  
Electronics Technology  
Environmental Health and Safety  
Mathematics (Applied Mathematics)
Mathematics (Mathematics Secondary Education)
Mathematics (Statistics & Data Science)
Physics (Biophysics)
Physics (Engineering Physics)
Physics (Interdisciplinary Physics)
Physics (Secondary Education)

Ferdinand Douglass Bluford Library

The mission of F.D. Bluford Library is to support and advance teaching, learning and research at N.C. A&T through user-focused services, technologies, and physical and virtual learning spaces. Individuals have access to globally trusted information resources that equip them with the knowledge to provide solutions to society’s challenges. The library features wireless access throughout four levels, individual and group study spaces, technology and media-enhanced collaboration rooms, public computers, tutoring and workshops for help with class assignments and research. The library maintains a rich print collection as well as digital resources and other online research tools providing 24/7 access. Archival collections documenting the rich history of the University and the region are also available.

During the regular academic year, the library opens on Sunday at 1:00 p.m. with 24-hour service until Friday at 8:00 p.m. and on Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Variations in this schedule are posted on the library’s website under “Hours”.

Extended Campus

Extended Campus administers A&T Online, Continuing Education, and Summer Sessions. The Extended Campus provides services and educational programming focused on the needs of a variety of traditional and post-traditional learners year-round. A&T Online offers accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs and certificates. Continuing Education provides non-credit professional development, certifications, skills trainings, conferences, youth camps and other lifelong learning opportunities. Summer Sessions features several convenient sessions of varying lengths: two five-week sessions (Summer I and Summer II); one two-week intersession; and one 10-week dual session. Students may enroll in a maximum of seven credit hours in each five-week session and the dual session, and one three-credit hour course during the intersession. The Virtual Immersion Pre-College (VIP) program for new undergraduate students is offered during Summer Session II. All summer sessions facilitate study aimed at meeting a wide range of academic success, career, and personal enrichment goals.
The Extended Campus works proactively with the N.C. A&T community and external collaborators to create high-quality, transformative online, professional, and lifelong learning opportunities, helping ensure A&T’s preeminence within a changing higher education landscape.

Instructional Technology Training and Development

Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD) supports the use of educational technologies to enhance the teaching, learning, and research experiences of the faculty, students, and staff at the University. ITTD provides technology training and development, instructional design, multimedia services, and oversight of Blackboard, the University’s learning management system. The department offers professional development opportunities that explore diverse technologies and a variety of teaching and learning pedagogies to enhance instructional activities and daily operations. The department offers in-person workshops, on-line learning experiences, handouts, and quick-reference guides to help empower students, faculty, and staff.

Information Technology Services (ITS)

Information Technology Services (ITS) supports the use of technology to enhance the university’s mission of exemplary teaching and learning, scholarly and creative research, and effective engagement and public service. ITS manages the technology infrastructure used throughout the University. Services include educational technology support, instructional design, network and server management, academic and residential lab management, client and help desk support, administrative applications support and development, web development, and technology procurement. Our purpose is to employ technology to meet the vision and strategic goals of North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. ITS consists of the following departments:

Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD)

Instructional Technology Training and Development (ITTD) supports the use of educational technologies to enhance the teaching, learning, and research experiences of the faculty, students, and staff at the University. ITTD provides technology training and development, instructional design, multimedia services, and oversight of Blackboard, the University’s learning management system. The department offers professional development opportunities that explore diverse technologies and a variety of teaching and learning pedagogies to enhance instructional activities and daily operations. The department offers in-person workshops, on-line learning experiences, handouts, and quick-reference guides to help empower students, faculty, and staff.

Client Technology Services

The department of Client Technology Services provides support for client-facing technologies such as desktops, laptops, virtual desktops, tablets, printers, scanners, etc. It supports desktop software such as web browsers, office applications, and collaboration and communication tools, audio/visual, classroom automation, presentation and instructional hardware, and video conferencing systems. The department manages the desktop and laptop environment used throughout the university, creates and manages desktop and laptop images, manages the installation of equipment, ensures that user device operating systems and applications are patched in a timely manner, and manages the upgrade of classroom, computer lab, and faculty and staff equipment. The department provides first level identity management services and telephony support. The department also supports special events, and staffs some general use computer labs.

Data Governance and Intelligence

The Data Governance and Intelligence department focuses on the management of data across the entire university to ensure the quality and integrity of data and its value to support decisions. The department provides expertise in the use of Banner and other applications, facilitates the design and development of efficient business processes, coordinates updates in business processes and data systems, and provides support for enterprise reporting environments and business intelligence platforms.

IT Project Management and Business Operations

This department manages the project portfolio and business operations of the division. This includes managing budgets, contracts, communications, technology acquisitions, and oversight of project management. This oversight includes working with committees to manage the project review and prioritization process, working with project stakeholders to identify goals, objectives, and create charters, working with functional and technical resource managers to schedule projects and plan implementations, and managing active projects. This department provides project managers, trains other staff members in project management methodology, and assists staff operating in a project management role.

Enterprise Application Services

The department of Enterprise Application Services provides support for Banner and other applications used throughout the university, including the university’s website and SharePoint site. These services include installation, configuration, hosting, troubleshooting, technical testing, updates and integration. In addition, the department provides technical leadership and planning for the implementation or upgrade of applications, and the design and development of new applications or interfaces. The department serves as second level support for staff members who are the principal subject matter experts for these applications.

Network and Systems Administration

The department of Network and System Administration is responsible for managing the university’s network, telephony, fiber distribution, data centers and telecommunication rooms, and server and storage infrastructure. This includes managing the deployment and operation of switches, routers, firewalls, access points, VoIP phones, analog lines, cellular equipment, servers, virtual desktop infrastructure, storage, backup and related equipment. It also includes managing network access control (NAC), data backup, traffic and device monitoring, intrusion detection and prevention, configuration management and similar software systems as well as campus virtual computer and cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) solutions. The department provides core network services such as Domain Name Service (DNS), Network Time Protocol (NTP) and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). The department also manages the university’s infrastructure application services including email, collaboration, communication, database, directory, middleware and related software systems. This includes managing the deployment, provision and operation of the systems along with the support of user access and security. It includes managing cloud platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solutions and those software-as-a-service (SaaS) systems that fit within the infrastructure applications realm.

Information Security Services

The department of Information Security Services works with campus leaders to assess and manage risk, ensure that technology is managed in accordance with the ISO 27002 security standard, and ensure compliance with various federal and state regulations as well as university and required industry standards. Information Security Services reviews network, server, application and user device configurations to ensure compliance, leads the response to security incidents, and investigates misuse of technology resources. The department works with leaders across the campus to ensure the security of technology and data and manages the campus cyber security awareness program. Information Security Services also works with internal and external auditors to complete audits and reviews, and manage the response to issues cited.

Center for Academic Excellence

The Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) is an academic student support service unit designed to assist all students in reaching high levels of academic success. The mission for CAE is to communicate the University’s student success priorities, foster undergraduate achievement, and monitor academic progress in support of the UNC Policy Manual 400.1.5 ( Services provided by the Center for Academic Excellence include: academic coaching, walk-in advising services, delivery of the College Success Course (FRST 101 ), administration of the Student Athlete Academic Enhancement Program (SAAEP), tutorial services (group, individual, and online delivery), supplemental instruction, academic monitoring, specialized mentoring programs and advising services for undeclared students.

Waste Management Institute

The Interdisciplinary Waste Management Institute (WMI) was founded on the belief that “waste management” is the key to innovation and creativity. The WMI coordinates the waste management efforts of the University. The goal of the Waste Management Institute is to help raise public consciousness of environmental security and waste management issues. Waste Management activities are conducted through faculty members and facilities of the participating departments. The Waste Management Institute administers an undergraduate and graduate certificate programs. The Waste Management Certificate highlights the training of NC A&T students in environmental security and waste management issues. The Certificate adds value to degree programs.

Division of University Advancement

The Division of University Advancement is one of nine administrative divisions at North Carolina A&T State University. The mission of the division is to support the university’s goals through the enhancement and management of private resources by expanding opportunities for engagement of diverse constituencies, increasing the University’s resources and providing world class stewardship of private resources.

Organizationally, University Advancement is made up of four distinct units and organizations: Alumni Relations, University Development, Advancement Operations and the Foundation for N.C. A&T State University, Inc. Alumni Relations serves to help build and maintain history and traditions between the university and its alumni; University Development seeks to maximize private support for the University through high-quality collaboration with the various colleges and units; Advancement Operations gathers, organizes, manages and disseminates information to guide the sound, effective advancement and overall business decisions of the Division; and the Foundation, a 501(c)3 associated entity, promotes the welfare and future development of NC A&T State University in its educational and scientific endeavors by seeking private gifts for the benefit of the University.

Advancement Operations and University Development are located in the Dowdy Administration Building, Suite 400. Alumni Relations and the Foundation are located in the Alumni-Foundation Event Center at 200 North Benbow Road.

Division of Research and Economic Development

The Division of Research & Economic Development manages all aspects of the research enterprise for the university led by the Vice Chancellor for Research & Economic Development. The Division is made up of the Vice Chancellor’s management team, the Offices of Sponsored Programs, Intellectual Property and Commercialization, Research Compliance and Ethics, Research Services and Project Management, Financial Compliance and Contracts & Grants.

The Division’s responsibilities include identification of funding opportunities; proposal development and preparation; proposal submission; research compliance oversight; project setup, monitoring, invoicing, and closeout; intellectual property protection and commercialization; managing subcontracts, non-disclosure agreements, and material transfer agreements; and reporting to sponsoring agencies.

Campus Enterprises

Campus Enterprises is a support unit within the Division of Business and Finance that offers exceptional services to North Carolina A&T State University to enhance campus life experience and support the university’s academic mission. The unit comprises ten areas: Parking and Transportation Services, Aggie Dining Services, Aggie OneCard, Bookstore, Elements (convenience store), Ticket Office, Mail Center, Concessions, Vending, and Laundry Services. To learn more about Campus Enterprises, call (336) 334-7876 or visit their website at



Elements is a convenience store located in the Student Center on campus. They offer a wide variety of products that students, faculty, and staff can enjoy. You’ll find snack foods, beverages, toiletries, school supplies, greeting cards, and many more items for Aggies on the go. To learn more about Elements, call (336) 285-3285 or visit their website at 

Aggie Onecard

The Aggie OneCard serves as your campus key. It’s the official ID card that makes campus life easier by granting access to various amenities and resources. With the Aggie OneCard, you can enjoy meal plans, attend athletic and cultural events, access general Aggie Dollar accounts, utilize laundry services, vending machines, and other similar services. You can also download the GET App for a digital version of the card that allows you to deposit and manage funds with the convenience of your fingertips. In case of a lost or stolen card, please contact the Aggie OneCard Center immediately at (336) 334-7114 or use the GET App. The Aggie OneCard Center is located in the Student Center, Suite 242. To learn more about Aggie OneCard, visit their website at

University Bookstore

As an Aggie, you can find all your campus needs at the University Bookstore. They offer a wide range of learning resources, Aggie gear, and the latest technology. You can find everything you need, including course materials, school supplies, computer products, residence hall essentials, and official Aggie apparel. Students can save up to 50% on required textbooks if they sign up for the Equitable Access Program before the first day of class. Additionally, the Bookstore has a café where you can enjoy coffee, assorted teas, cappuccinos/lattes, hot chocolate, ice coffee, cold beverages, pastries, and fresh sandwiches. To learn more about the Bookstore, please call (336) 334-7593.

Dining Services

Aggie Dining offers a convenient, fresh, diverse, delicious, and exciting dining program that natures to the unique needs and tastes for all Aggies, from traditional all-you-care-to-eat dining halls to a variety of restaurants and café. Our program has it all. Meal plans are mandatory for students living in University Housing, but they can be changed before each semester’s first day of class. These plans are designed to offer flexibility with a variety of meals and flex dollars. 

To save time, explore the Starship Robot Delivery Program. It delivers food from multiple on-campus retail locations, including PAAVOS Pizza. If you’re an Aggie living off-campus, check out our Commuter Meal Plans which are tailored to your needs. Please visit our website at or call (336) 334-7560 for more information. 

Ticket Office

The Ticket Office is your go-to destination for tickets for University and athletic events. For most events, you can buy and purchase tickets through our online ticketing service. N.C. A&T students with a valid Aggie OneCard can attend most athletic events for free. To learn more about the Ticket Office, call (336) 334-7749 or visit their website at life/campus-enterprises/university-ticket-office/index.php

Mail Center

The Mail Center is the central distribution hub for all incoming and outgoing mail and packages, including inter-campus mail. The Mail Center handles a wide range of USPS services, such as express, Certified, and Insured mail. For our students, we provide keyless mailboxes and require all letter mail and packages to be addressed using the OneID format. Students will receive an email notification when their mail is ready for pickup. Please bring your Aggie OneCard to verify delivery and receive any mail or packages. The Mail Center is located on the lower level of Brown Hall on Laurel Street. To learn more about the Mail Center, call (336) 334-7544 or visit their website at

Parking and Transportation Services

Parking and Transportation Services manages all parking and transportation on campus. Parking Services enforce parking regulations and require a valid parking permit and/or visitor permit while parking on campus to provide you with a safe and organized parking environment. It’s important to park in designated lots based on your permit. Transportation options include the Aggie shuttle services, and to track shuttles, you can download the Passio Go App. N.C. A&T has partnered with Greensboro Transit Authority (GTA) to allow students free access to ride the city of Greensboro public transportation using the UMO App. The Parking and Transportation Services Office is located in the Obermeyer Parking Deck. To learn more about the Parking and Transportation Services, call (336) 285-2027 or visit their website at transportation/index.php