Mar 28, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Expenses and Financial Aid

General Information

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University is a publicly supported institution. Tuition payments and other required student fees meet only a part of the total cost of the education of students enrolled. On the average, for each full-time student enrolled in an institution of the University of North Carolina, the State of North Carolina appropriated $12,859 per year in public funds to support the educational programs offered.

The University of North Carolina Board of Governors adopted a plan to make tuition and fee rates for undergraduate North Carolinians predictable and affordable. Pursuant to the Plan, the maximum rate of annual increase for campus-initiated tuition and general fees (Athletics, Health Services, Student Activities, and Educational and Technology Fees) for undergraduate resident students is 6.5%. Specific information, including maximum allowable increases in tuition and fees per academic year by UNC campus is available at increase 3years.pdf.

Students and parents can also find detailed information concerning the total cost of college at

The University reserves the right to increase or decrease all fees and charges as well as add or delete items of expense without advance notice as circumstances, in the judgment of the administration, may require.

Boarding and lodging fees are based on the actual number of days school is in session and do not include holidays, breaks, or any other University vacations.

Students’ property in dormitories and other University buildings is at the sole risk of the owner, and the University is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to such property arising from any cause.

Students are required to pay for any loss or damage to University property at replacement cost due to abuse, negligence, or malicious action, in addition to being subject to disciplinary action.

The University converted to a book purchase system effective fall semester, 1991. All undergraduate and graduate students are required to purchase all textbooks. This includes hard cover and paperback textbooks. The cost will vary according to academic discipline. Other policies and procedures governing the book purchase system can be obtained from the Bookstore.

Personal spending money should be sent directly to and made payable to the student in the form of money orders or certified checks. As a policy, the University does not cash personal checks for students in any amount.

Diplomas and transcripts are withheld until the student has paid in full all fees and charges due the University. A student in debt to the University in any amount will not be permitted to register for any subsequent semester until his or her obligations are paid. If special financial arrangements have been made, failure to comply with these arrangements as stipulated may result in the termination of the student’s boarding and lodging privileges. Additionally, the student will no longer be able to receive alternative payment arrangements.

Special Notice to Veterans

Veterans attending school under the provisions of Public Law 89-358 receive a monthly subsistence allowance from the Veterans Administration. Therefore, veterans are responsible for meeting all of their required fee obligations.

Veterans attending school under the provision of Public Law 894 (Disabled Veterans) receive a monthly subsistence allowance from the Veterans Administration and also the Veterans Administration pays directly to the school the cost of the veteran’s tuition and required fees. All other fees are the responsibility of the veteran.

Veterans may contact the Veteran and Disability Support Services Office on Campus for any special consideration which may be available.

Required Deposits, Charges and Fees

All registration fees and charges are due and payable in full before or at the beginning of registration for each semester. Payments made by mail must be postmarked 5 days before the due date for each semester.

ALL PAYMENTS MUST BE MADE BY PERSONAL CHECK, CERTIFIED CHECK, BANK WIRE, MONEY ORDER, or CASH. American Express, Mastercard and Visa are accepted by paying on-line at and clicking on Aggie Access On-Line. You must have a Personal Identification Number (P.I.N.) to pay on-line. Checks, drafts, and money orders must be made payable to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and sent directly to:

Treasurer’s Office
Dowdy Administration Building
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
1601 East Market Street
Greensboro, NC 27411

Housing Deposit

Housing and Residence Life at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University provides a reasonably priced, attractive, comfortable, clean, and safe environment.

Residency options include: single and double occupancy, with co-educational and single gender facilities.

The interdisciplinary living and learning community is composed of traditional residence halls and planned living and learning communities. This provides a setting where students find a sense of identification, belonging, responsibility and achievement that will prepare them for future roles of leadership and service.

Students interested in living on-campus should complete a Housing Application indicating hall preference and include a $175 non-refundable programming/processing fee. The application and fee should be returned to Office of Housing and Residence Life, North Carolina A&T State University, 1601 Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411. Applications will not be processed without the $175 fee attached.

Charge Category - Undergraduate Day Student (Student Living Off Campus)
Payment - Each Semester
Residence Status:
In-State (Cohort Year 2018 - 2019) - $4,675.06
In-State (Cohort Year 2019 - 2020) - $4,675.06
In-State (Cohort Year 2020 - 2021) - $4,675.06
In-State (Cohort Year 2021 - 2022) - $4,675.06
In-State (Cohort Year 2022 - 2023) - $4,718.74
Out-of-State - $11,473.74

Charge Category - Graduate Day Student (Student Living Off Campus)
Payment - Each Semester
Residence Status:
In-State - $5,321.24
Out-of-State -$11,721.24

Charge Category - Undergraduate Boarding Only Student (Student Living Off Campus but taking meals on campus)
Payment - Each Semester
Residence Status:
In-State (Cohort Year 2018 - 2019) - $6,666.34
In-State (Cohort Year 2019 - 2020) - $6,666.34
In-State (Cohort Year 2020 - 2021) - $6,666.34
In-State (Cohort Year 2021 - 2022) - $6,666.34
In-State (Cohort Year 2022 - 2023) - $6,763.40
Out-of-State - $13,518.40

Charge Category - Graduate Boarding Only Student (Student Living Off Campus but taking meals on campus)
Payment - Each Semester
Residence Status:
In-State -$7,365.90
Out-of-State - $13,765.90

Charge Category - Boarding and Lodging Student (Student Living On Campus. NOTE: All Residence Hall Students must take meals in the University Dining Hall and participate in the student accident insurance program, however, the cost of this insurance is covered by our current lodging fee.)
Payment - Each Semester

Undergraduate Student
Residence Status:

In-State (Cohort Year 2018 - 2019) - $8,870.84
In-State (Cohort Year 2019 - 2020) - $8,870.84
In-State (Cohort Year 2020 - 2021) - $8,870.84
In-State (Cohort Year 2021 - 2022) - $8,870.84
In-State (Cohort Year 2022 - 2023) - $8,967.90
Out-of-State - $15,722.90

Graduate Student
Residence Status:
In-State - $9,570.40
Out-of-State - $15,970.40

Mailbox Key Deposit

The centralized Mail Center houses mailboxes for all lodging students. Box numbers are assigned and are retained during the length of time students reside in residence halls. No fee is charged for this service; however, a key deposit of $25 is required and is non-refundable when the key is returned at the end of the enrollment period or upon withdrawal from campus housing. This $25 mailbox key deposit is included in the fee schedule for lodging students.

COHORT YEAR 2019-2020
No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1-5 $442.50 $636.17 $1,078.67
6-8 $885.00 $2,264.73 $3,149.73
9-11 $1,327.50 $2,905.06 $4,232.56
12 or more $1,770.00 $2,905.06 $4,675.06


COHORT YEAR 2020-2021
No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1-5 $442.50 $636.17 $1,078.67
6-8 $885.00 $2,265.73 $3,149.73
9-11 $1,327.50 $2,905.06 $4,232.56
12 or more $1,770.00 $2,905.06 $4,675.06


COHORT YEAR 2021-2022
No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $147.50 $422.73 $570.23
2 $295.00 $529.46 $824.46
3 $442.50 $636.19 $1,078.69
4 $590.00 $742.92 $1,332.92
5 $737.50 $849.65 $1,587.15
6 $885.00 $2,308.46 $3,193.46
7 $1,032.50 $2,415.19 $3,447.69
8 $1,180.00 $2,521.19 $3,701.92
9 $1,327.50 $2,628.65 $3,956.15
10 $1,475.00 $2,735.38 $4,210.38
11 $1,622.50 $2,842.11 $4,464.61
12 $1,770.00 $2,948.74 $4,718.74


COHORT YEAR 2022-2023
No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $147.50 $422.73 $570.23
2 $295.00 $529.46 $824.46
3 $442.50 $636.19 $1,078.69
4 $590.00 $742.92 $1,332.92
5 $737.50 $849.65 $1,587.15
6 $885.00 $2,308.46 $3,193.46
7 $1,032.50 $2,415.19 $3,447.69
8 $1,180.00 $2,521.92 $3,701.92
9 $1,327.50 $2,628.65 $3,956.15
10 $1,475.00 $2,735.38 $4,210.38
11 $1,622.50 $2,842.11 $4,464.61
12 $1,770.00 $2,948.74 $4,718.74


No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $263.62 $458.31 $721.93
2 $527.24 $600.62 $1,127.86
3 $790.86 $742.93 $1,533.79
4 $1,054.48 $885.24 $1,939.72
5 $1,318.10 $1,027.55 $2,345.65
6 $1,581.72 $2,521.94 $4,103.66
7 $1,845.34 $2,664.25 $4,509.59
8 $2,108.96 $2,806.56 $4,915.52
9 $2,372.50 $2,948.74 $5,321.24


No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $710.42 $422.73 $1,133.15
2 $1,420.84 $529.46 $1,950.30
3 $2,131.26 $636.19 $2,767.45
4 $2,841.67 $742.92 $3,584.60
5 $3,552.09 $849.65 $4,401.75
6 $4,262.50 $2,308.46 $6,570.98
7 $4,972.92 $2,415.19 $7,388.13
8 $5,683.34 $2,521.92 $8,205.28
9 $6,393.75 $2,628.65 $9,022.43
10 $7,104.17 $2,735.38 $9,839.58
11 $7,814.58 $2,842.11 $10,656.73
12 $8,525.00 $2,948.74 $11,473.74


No. of Hrs. Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $974.73 $458.31 $1,433.04
2 $1,949.46 $600.62 $2,550.08
3 $2,924.19 $742.93 $3,667.12
4 $3,898.92 $885.24 $4,784.16
5 $4,873.65 $1,027.55 $5,901.20
6 $5,848.38 $2,521.94 $8,370.32
7 $6,823.11 $2,664.25 $9,487.36
8 $7,797.84 $2,806.56 $10,604.40
9 $8,772.50 $2,948.74 $11,721.24


Accident Insurance (Optional) $ 55.00 Motor Vehicle Registration - Regular Student 242.00
Application Fee (Non-Refundable) No 55.00 Practice Teaching, Practicum Internship 100.00
Credit on Account 35.00 Regalia Fee - Graduate 80.00 & 148.00
Bowling Course Fee 11.00 Regalia Fee - Undergraduate 58.00
Chemistry Laboratory Breakage Fee 14.00 ROTC Uniform Deposit 25.00
Breakage Deposit 10.00 Air Force (Refundable) 25.00
Cooperative Education Adm. Fee 30.00 ROTC Uniform Deposit-Army (Refundable) 25.00
Graduation Fee - Undergraduate 60.00 Room Application Fee 175.00
Graduation Fee - Graduate 60.00 Parking Fee Violations (Varies) 50.00
Identification Card Replacement Fee 25.00 Transcript Fee 5.00 & 10.00
Key Replacement Fee 25.00 USAID Sponsored Student Adm. Fee Per Semester 200.00
Master’s Thesis Binding Fee 40.00 Visiting Auditor Course Fee 25.00
Motor Vehicle Registration - Evening Student 124.00 Orientation Fee - New Freshmen & New Transfer 225.00
ANSC Fee 60.00 Mail Box Key Deposit (Non-Refundable) 25.00
Student Praxis Fee 135.00 NARS- LDAR Fee 350.00
NCLEX Prep Traditional 250.00 Nursing Lab Fee 50.00
NLN Exam 35.00 NCLEX Prep Accelerated 450.00
    Laundry Fee $40.00

Tuition Surcharge

The 1993 Regular Session of the General Assembly enacted a special provision directing the Board of Governors to impose a twenty-five percent (25%) tuition surcharge on students who take more than 140 degree credit hours to complete a baccalaureate degree in a four year program or more than 110% of the credit hours necessary to complete a baccalaureate degree in any program officially designated by the Board as a five-year program. Effective for Fall 2010, the tuition surcharge will increase to fifty percent (50%) as amended by Section 9.10.(a) of Session Law 2009-451. Effective with the fall 1994 semester, all new undergraduates seeking a baccalaureate degree at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University are subject to this tuition surcharge. The surcharge cannot be waived for out-of-state students and does not apply to required fees. The calculation of these credit hours taken at the University or transferred from a constituent institution of the University of North Carolina shall exclude hours earned through the College Board’s Advanced Placement or CLEP examinations, through institutional advanced placement or course validation, through summer term or extension programs, or excess hours taken during 8 semesters for a four year or excess hours taken during 10 semesters for a five year program.

Return of Title IV Funds Withdrawal From School Refund Policy

Students who leave the University prior to the end of the semester should follow the University guidelines for withdrawing from school. An Official Withdrawal Form must be obtained from the Counseling Center, completed, signed by the respective offices and submitted to the Registrar’s Office before a student is considered officially withdrawn. Students who stop attending all of their classes but fail to complete the withdrawal process are considered as unofficially withdrawn. The U.S. Department of Education has established guidelines for institutions to follow for students who withdraw (officially or unofficially). The policy listed below applies to students who officially and unofficially withdraw from the University.

Federal student aid recipients who begin attending classes during a semester, who cease attending or performing academic activities prior to the end of the semester, and never complete an Official Withdrawal Form are considered by the federal government to have Unofficially Withdrawn. The University will consider the Unofficial Withdrawal date to be the midpoint of the semester (unless documentation exists of an earlier date of academic activity by the student).

When a federal financial aid recipient withdraws (officially or unofficially) after attending at least the first class day, the University will return, and the financial aid recipient will be required to repay a prorated portion of funds received based upon a federally required calculation (see Return of Title IV Funds section below). The Student Financial Aid Office is required to calculate the amount of federal Title IV financial aid students have earned and the amount that is unearned. The unearned portion of Title IV financial aid must be returned to the appropriate financial aid programs according to federal and institutional guidelines.

Students who withdraw on or before the 60% point of the semester will have a percentage of their financial aid calculated as earned and unearned. If a student is enrolled beyond the 60% of the semester, all financial aid is considered earned. The percentage of the period that a student remains enrolled is determined by dividing the number of calendar days the student attended by the number of days in the semester or term. Breaks of five (5) or more days are excluded from the calculation.

Example: If there are 117 days in the semester, and you withdraw on day 25 your earned and unearned financial aid would be calculated as follows:

Calendar days completed in the period of enrollment      25 days
Total calendar days in the period of enrollment                117 days   =  21.4% earned percentage
(Excluding scheduled breaks of 5 days or more)

If University records show a federal student aid recipient never attended a class and/or never performed an academically related activity for a semester or term, then the recipient never established eligibility for any funds that may have been disbursed for the semester. In addition, any student aid recipient who withdraws, drops all classes prior to the first day of class for a semester did not establish eligibility for any aid funds that may have been disbursed for that semester or term. In either case, the student aid recipient must repay the entire amount of aid disbursed for that semester or term.

If a student did not receive any federal student aid but did receive other types of aid funds, and subsequently officially withdraws, refunds or repayments will be based upon the University’s refund policy.

When the amount of Title IV funds disbursed is greater than the amount of the Title IV funds earned by the student, a return of Title IV funds is necessary. Both the University and the student are responsible for returning a percentage of the unearned aid.

The Unearned Amount of aid must be returned to the applicable Title IV aid programs in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Loan
  2. Subsidized Federal Loan
  3. Federal Perkins Loan
  4. Federal PLUS Loan
  5. Federal Pell Grant
  6. Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG)
  7. National Smart Grant (SMART)
  8. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  9. Other Title IV Aid Programs

If the student is required to repay funds through the federal grant program, the student will be required to return no more than 50% of the federal grant amount that was originally received. If a balance is due the University, a bill will be sent to the student’s permanent home address and will be due upon receipt.

With the exception of any amount owed to the school, students and/or parents who are required to return a portion of all of their loan proceeds, are allowed to repay the unearned amount according to the terms of the loan.
Students who are withdrawn from the University must complete Exit Counseling. The student may complete Exit Counseling in The Student Financial Aid Office or on-line at Select financial aid, Direct Loan and then Exit Counseling.

Note: The information contained in this section is subject to change, without notice, in order to comply with federal, state, or university requirements.

Withdrawal From Courses

In order to receive financial credit for withdrawal from courses, a student must withdraw from course(s) within the official “add/drop” period. Students are financially liable for all courses that they are registered in after the last day to drop with a refund.


Listed below is Summer 2022-2023 Tuition and Fees.

No. of Credit Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $134.00 $83.01 $217.01
2 $268.00 $141.02 $409.02
3 $402.00 $199.03 $601.03
4 $536.00 $257.04 $793.04
5 $670.00 $315.05 $985.05
6 $804.00 $373.06 $1177.06
7 $938.00 $431.07 $1369.07
8 $1,072.00 $489.08 $1561.08
9 or more $1,206.00 $547.09 $1753.09


No. of Credit Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $598.00 $83.01 $681.01
2 $1,196.00 $141.02 $1337.02
3 $1,794.00 $199.03 $1993.03
4 $2,392.00 $257.04 $2649.04
5 $2,990.00 $315.05 $3305.05
6 $3,588.00 $373.06 $3961.06
7 $4,186.00 $431.07 $4617.07
8 $4,784.00 $489.08 $5273.08
9 or more $5,382.00 $547.09 $5929.09


No. of Credit Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $194.00 $83.01 $277.01
2 $388.00 $141.02 $529.02
3 $582.00 $199.03 $781.03
4 $776.00 $257.04 $1,033.04
5 $970.00 $315.05 $1,285.05
6 $1,164.00 $373.06 $1,537.06
7 $1,358.00 $431.07 $1,789.07
8 $1,552.00 $489.08 $2,041.08
9 or more $1,746.00 $547.09 $2,293.09


No. of Credit Tuition Other Required Fees Total
1 $656.00 $83.01 $739.01
2 $1,312.00 $141.02 $1,453.02
3 $1,968.00 $199.03 $2,167.03
4 $ 2,624.00 $257.04 $2,881.04
5 $3,280.00 $315.05 $3,595.05
6 $3,936.00 $373.06 $4,309.06
7 $4,592.00 $431.07 $5,023.07
8 $5,248.00 $489.08 $5,737.08
9 or more $5,904.00 $547.09 $6,451.09
Boarding and Lodging - (Double Occupancy) - $1,622.86 (based on 5 weeks)


  Per Semester Per Year
Required Fees - N.C. Student Tuition    
Tuition $1,770.00 $ 3,540.00
Other Required Fees 2,948.74 5,897.48
  Total - N.C. Day Student* $4718.74 $ 9,437.48
Housing and Meals $4249.16 $ 8,498.32
Reserve for Construction and/or Renovation of Dormitories $ 35.00 $ 70.00
Mail Box Key (Non-Refundable) 25.00 50.00
  Total Housing and Meals $4,309.16 $ 8,618.32
  Total N.C. Housing and Meals Student $9,027.90 $18,055.80
Out-of-State Student Tuition $8,525.00 $17,050.00
Other Required Fees $2,948.74 $5,897.48
Total Out-of-State Student* $11,473.74 $22,947.48
Total Housing and Meals $4,309.16 $8,618.32
Total Out-of-State Housing and Meals Student $15,782.90 $31,565.80